Ted Holden, a talk.origins catastrophist, has claimed that dinosaur
sauropods would be too heavy to carry themselves about in current gravitational
conditions. He proposes that the "felt effect of gravity" was reduced
in the not-too-distant past, allowing such large beasts to walk around.
This FAQ explores Holden's claims and illustrates their absurdity.
An examination of the catastrophist claim that preserved mammoth remains
indicate the occurrence a great catastrophe (as described by
catastrophist Immanuel Velikovsky).
Is Venus the young planet the Velikovskians say it is? Could it be only a
few thousand years
old, as opposed to the few billion that standard theories would imply?
The age of Venus is considered from three lines of evidence: atmosphere,
surface, and interior.
An article allowing comparison between geological and paleontological
data from the Jurassic, Triassic and Cretaceous eras with what would
be predicted by Ted Holden's "Golden Age" ("reduced felt effect of
gravity") model.
Catastrophists, not content with conventional explanations for
the motion of the Earth's continents, have suggested that the Earth
was egg-shaped with Pangaea sitting sunny-side up. This article
challenges this notion, showing that Velikovskian tectonic models
solve none of the imagined problems of conventional models.
A discussion of the methods for determining the ages of ancient
ice cores. Ice cores found in Antarctica date back about 160,000
years, presenting somewhat of a problem for young-earth
creationists and catastrophists.
Immanuel Velikovsky, the late pseudoscientist whose cult followers have
made themselves visible on talk.origins, has made a large number of
incredible claims about the origins of the solar system as well as the
origins of humans. This article takes a scientific look at many of
Velikovsky's claims.
Creationists and catastrophists have attempted to justify a global
flood by claiming that there are fossils cutting through many
geological strata. A number of so-called "polystrate" fossils
are examined here.
Ted Holden claims that a series of questions he periodically posts are
"avoided", that no reasonable answers have been given. Ted is
incorrect. This article is a brief summary of the answers that have
been given in the past, and which have been extensively discussed on
the newsgroup.