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Western siberia bibliography

Kontorovich, A. A. et al., 1977, Main steps and results of reconnaissance in West Siberian oil and gas province: Geology of Oil and Gas, v. 11, p. 21- 25.

Kontorovich, A. E. et al., 1975, Geology of oil and gas of West Siberia [in Russian]: Moscow, Nedra, 679 p.

Krylov, N. A. et al., 1981, Oil-gas potential of pre-Jurassic rocks of West Siberia [in Russian], in Perspectivy neftegaznosnosti doyurskikh otlozheniy molodykh platform: Moscow, Nauka, p. 128-140; English Summary in Petroleum Geology, v.20, no.10, 1984, p.459-461.

Levchuck, M. A., and Fomin, A. N., 1983, Catagenesis of Jurassic sediments of the east part of the Yenisey-Katanga downwarp [in Russian]: Akad. Nauk SSSR, Sibir. Otdel, Trudy Inst. Geol. i. Geof., v. 532, p. 123-131; English Summary in Petroleum Geology, v.19, no.12, 1983, p.599-601.

Nakariakov, V. D., Vasil'yeva, K. N., Ivanov, A. M., Kuckerov, V. Y., Sibgatullin, V. G., and Sharygin, Y. A., 1980, Structural features of the platform cover of the western part of the Siberian Platform in connection with evaluating prospects for oil and gas [in Russian], in Tektonika Sibiri: Novosibirsk, Nauka, v. IX, p. 49-55; English Summary in Petroleum Geology, v.20, no.1, 1984, p.39-41.

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