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Silurian bibliography

Barrande, J., 1887, Systme Silurien du Centre de la Bohme-Recherches Palontologiques: Praha, v. 7 (Echinodermes), Part 1 (Cystides), 233 p.

Berry, W. B. N., and Boucot, A. J., 1970, Correlation of the North American Silurian rocks, 102 of Geological Society of America, Special Paper: 289 p.

Mikulic, D. G., Briggs, D. E. G., and Kluessendorf, J., 1985, A Silurian soft- bodied fauna: Science, v. 228, p. 715-717.

---, 1985, A new exceptionally preserved biota from the Lower Silurian of Wisconsin, USA: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London B, v. 311, p. 75-85.

Murchison, R. I., 1854, Siluria: The History of the Oldest Known Rocks Containing Organic Remains: London, John Murray.

Ziegler, A. M., 1966, The Silurian brachiopod Eocoelia hemisphaerica(J. de C. Sowerby) and related species: Palaeontology, v. 9, p. 523-543.

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