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Riphean bibliography

Basharin, A. K., 1981, The lower boundary and some structural peculiatities of Siberian Riphean [in Russian]: Geologiya i Geofizica, v. 12, p. 14-25.

Bekker, Y. R., 1977, First paleontological finds in the Uralian Riphean [in Russian]: Izvestia Akadamie Nauk SSSR Series Geol., v. 3, p. 90-100.

Chumakov, N. M., and Semikhatov, M. A., 1981, Riphean and Vendian of the USSR: Precambrian Research, v. 15, p. 229-253.

Garris, M. A., Kazakov, G. A., Keller, B. M., Polevaya, N. I., and Semikhatov, M. A., 1964, The Geochronological Scale of the Upper Proterozoic (Riphean and Vendian) [in Russian], in The Absolute Age of Geological Formations: Moscow, Nauka, p. 431-455.

German, T. N., 1974, Finds of mass accumulations of trichoms in the Riphean [in Russian], in Microfossils of the Proterozoic and Early Paleozoic of the USSR: Leningrad, Nauka, p. 6-10.

---, 1979, Finds of Riphean fungus, in Paleontology of the Precambrian and Early Cambrian [in Russian]: Leningrad, Nauka, p. 129-136.

Golovenok, V. K., and Belova, M. Y., 1985, Riphean microbiotas in cherts of the Yenesei Ridge [in Russian]: Paleontol. Zh., v. 2, p. 94-103.

Hoffman, H. J., 1977, On Aphebian stromatolites and Riphean stromatolite stratigraphy: Precambrian Research, v. 5, p. 175-205.

Keller, B. M., 1964, The Riphean Erathem [in Russian], in Precambrian Geology: Moscow, Nedra, p. 151-160.

Khomentovsky, V. V., Shenfil', V. Y., and Yakshin, M. S., 1985, The Riphean of the Siberian Platform [in Russian]: Geologiya i Geofizica, v. 7, p. 25-33.

Komar, V. A., Krylov, I. N., Nuzhnov, S. V., Raaben, M. E., and Semikhatov, M. A., 1964, On the threefold subdivision of the Riphean according to stromatolites [in Russian], in Precambrian Geology: Moscow, Nedra, p. 172-185.

Komar, V. A., Semikhatov, M. A., Serebryakov, S. N., and Voronov, B. G., 1970, New data on the stratigraphy and geological history of the Riphean in South-Eastern Siberia and the USSR North-East [in Russian]: Soviet Geology, v. 3, p. 37-53.

Pyatiletov, V. V., and Karlova, G. A., 1980, Upper Riphean complex of microfossils of the Yenesei Ridge [in Russian], in New Data on the Late Precambrian Stratigraphy of the Western Siberian Platform and its Surroundings: Novosibirsk, Akad.Nauk SSSR, Siberian Branch, p. 56-71.

Samoylyuk, L. A., Zin'kovskiy, V. Y., and Chuprov, A. I., 1990, Prediction of salt-bearing units in the Riphean-Paleozoic sedimetary rocks of West Siberia [in Russian]: Geologiya i Razvedka, v. 5, p. 27-36.

Semikhatov, M. A., 1962, Riphean and Lower Cambrian of the Yenesei Ridge [in Russian]: Akad. Nauk SSSR, Geol. Inst., Trudy, 242 p.

Shenfil', V. Y., 1978, Algae in the Riphean deposits of the Yenesei Ridge [in Russian]: Doklady Akad. Nauk. SSSR, v. 240, no. 5, p. 1217-1218.

---, 1980, Obruchevella in the Riphean deposits of the Yenisei Ridge [in Russian]: Doklady Akad. Nauk. SSSR, v. 254, no. 4, p. 993-994.

Weiss, A. F., and Semikhatov, M. A., 1989, Lower Riphean Omakhta microfossil association of East Siberia: composition and formation environments [in Russian]: Izvestia Akadamie Nauk SSSR Series Geol., v. 5, p. 36-54.

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