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Reproduction bibliography

Austin, C. R., and Short, R. V., 1972-continuing, Reproduction in Mammals: Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Berrill, N. J., 1975, Chordata: Tunicata, in Giese, A. C., and Pearse, J. S., eds., Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates II. Ectoprocts and Lesser Coelomates: New York, Academic Press, p. 241-282.

Breder, C. M., and Rosen, D. E., 1966, Modes of Reproduction in Fishes: How Fishes Breed: New York, Natural History Press.

Cody, M. L., 1966, A general theory of clutch size: Evolution, v. 20, p. 174- 184.

---, 1971, Ecological aspects of reproduction. Chapter 10, in Farner, D. S., and King, J. R., eds., Avain Biology: New York, Academic Press, v. 1, p. 461-512; 586 pp.

Parkes, A. S., 1956-1966, Marshall's Physiology of Reproduction [3rd ed.]: London, Longmans, v. 1-3.

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