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Public schools bibliography

Bates, V. L., 1976, Christian Fundamentalism and the Theory of Evolution in Public School Education: A Study of the Creation Science Movement [Ph.D. dissert.]: University of California, Davis.

Bliss, R. B., 1988, Good Science: A K-6 plan for Excellence: ICR Impact Series, v. 182.

Byrne, G., 1989, U.S. Students Flunk Science, Math: Science, v. 243, no. 729.

Cloud, P., 1983, Scientific Creationism - A New Inquisition Brewing?, in Zetterberg, P. J., ed., Evolution Versus Creationism: The Public Education Controversy: Phoenix, Arizona, Oryx Press, p. 134-149.

Edwords, F., 1980, Why Creationism Should Not Be Taught as Science. Part 1: The Legal Issues: Creation/Evolution, v. 1, p. 2-23.

---, 1981, Why Creationism Should Not Be Taught as Science. Part 2: The Educational Issues: Creation/Evolution, v. 3, p. 6-36.

---, 1983, Decide: Evolution or Creation?, in Zetterberg, P. J., ed., Evolution Versus Creationism: The Public Education Controversy: Phoenix, Arizona, Oryx Press, p. 163-172.

Geisler, N. L., and Anderson, J. K., 1987, Origin Science: A Proposal for the Creation/Evolution Controversy: Grand Rapids, Michigan, Baker Book House.

Gribben, J., and Sattaur, O., 1984, The school-children's eclipse: Science 84, v. 5, no. 4, p. 51-56.

Hechinger, F. M., 1986, Fundamentalists Turn to Courts, Ballot Box for Control of Schools: Gainesville (Fla) Sun.

Hefley, J. C., 1979, Are Textbooks Harming Your Children?: Milford, Mi., Mott Media.

Kurtz, P., 1986, THe New Inquisition in the Schools: Free Inquiry, v. 7, no. 1, p. 4-5.

Lawrence, J., 1989, Schools Show Deficiencies in High-Level Skills: Gainesville (Fla) Sun.

Martz, L., and McDaniel, A., 1987, Keeping God out of the Classroom: Newsweek, p. 23-24.

McKown, D. B., 1985, THe real culprit behind religious conflicts in public education: The American Rationalist, v. 29, no. 6, p. 84-86.

---, 1986, Accuracy in Academia, or What to Do About Humbug: The Humanist, v. 46, no. 6, p. 5-7, 34.

Meisler, S., 1989, 6-Nation Study Finds U.S. Teens Worst in Math: Gainesville (Fla) Sun.

Morris, H. M., 1975, Introducing Creationism in the Public Schools: San Diego, Ca., Creation-Life Publishers.

Moyer, W. A., 1986, Science versus Revealed Truth: Meeting the Challenge of Creationism in the Classroom, in Hanson, R. W., ed., Science and Creation: Geological, Theological and Educational Perspectives: New York, Macmillan, p. 46-54.

Murray, N. P., and Buffaloe, N. D., 1983, Creationism and Evolution: The Real Issues, in Zetterberg, P. J., ed., Evolution Versus Creationism: The Public Education Controversy: Phoenix, Arizona, Oryx Press, p. 454-476.

National Commission on Excellence in Education, 1983, A Nation at Risk, in Gross, B., and Gross, R., eds., The Great School Debate: New York, Simon and Schuster, p. 23-49.

Nelkin, D., 1977, Science Textbook Controversies and the Politics of Equal Time: Cambridge, Mass., M.I.T. Press.

---, 1982, The Creation Controversy: Science or Scripture in the Schools: New York, Norton, 242 p.

Ordovensky, P., 1989, Dropout Rate Rises; 'Scary Situation': USA Today.

Overton, J., W.R., 1982, Creationism in the schools; The decision in McLean versus the Arkansas Board of Education: Science, v. 215, p. 934-943.

Patterson, J. W., 1983, An Engineer Looks at the Creationist Movement, in Zetterberg, P. J., ed., Evolution Versus Creationism: The Public Education Controversy: Phoenix, Arizona, Oryx Press, p. 150-161.

Root-Bernstein, R., and McEachron, D., 1982, Teaching Theories: The Evolution- Creation Controversy: American Biology Teacher, v. 44, p. 413-420.

Rosen, W. G., 1989, High School Biology Today and Tomorrow: Washington, D.C., National Academy Press, 346 p.; From a conference, Washington, D.C.; Oct., 1988.

Wilhelm, R. D., 1978, A chronology and analysis of regulatory actions relating to the teaching of evolution in the public schools [PhD dissert.]: University of Texas, Austin.

Zetterberg, P. J., 1983, Evolution Versus Creationism: The Public Education Controversy: Phoenix, Arizona, Oryx Press.

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