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Pseudoscience bibliography

Bunge, M., 1984, What is pseudoscience?: Skeptical Inquirer, v. 9, no. 1, p. 36- 46.

Christopher, M., 1970, ESP, Seers and Psychics: New York, Crowell.

Culver, R. B., and Ianna, P. A., 1988, Astrology: True or False? [New ed.]: Buffalo, New York, Prometheus Books.

De Camp, L. S., 1975, Lost Continents: The Atlantis Theme: New York, Ballantine Books.

Dutch, S. L., 1982, Notes on the nature of fringe science: Journal of Geological Education, v. 30, p. 6-13.

Evans, B., 1946, The Natural History of Nonsense: New York, Knopf.

Gardner, M., 1957, Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science: New York, Dover Publications, 363 p.

---, 1981, Science: Good, Bad and Bogus: Buffalo, New York, Prometheus Books.

---, 1988, The New Age: Notes of a Fringe-Watcher: Buffalo, New York, Promethus Books.

Geisler, N. L., and Anderson, J. K., 1987, Origin Science: A Proposal for the Creation/Evolution Controversy: Grand Rapids, Michigan, Baker Book House.

Hansel, C. E. M., 1984, The Evidence for ESP: A Critique: Skeptical Inquirer, v. 8, no. 4, p. 322-328.

Mackay, C., 1970, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds: New York, Farrar, Straus & Giroux; Noonday Press.

Milne, D. H., 1984, Creationists, population growth, bunnies, and the Great Pyramid: Creation/Evolution, v. 4, p. 1-5.

Sagan, C., 1974, Broca's Brain: New York, Random House, 347 p.

Sagan, C., and Page, T., 1974, UFO's: A Scientific Debate: Ithaca; New York, Cornell University Press [1973]; Norton [1974].

Schadewald, R. J., 1983, Creation Pseudoscience: Skeptical Inquirer, v. 8, no. 1, p. 22-35.

---, 1983, The Evolution of Bible-Science, in Godfrey, L. R., ed., Scientists Confront Creationism: New York, Norton, p. 283-299.

Schafersman, S. D., 1983, Fossils, stratigraphy, and evolution: consideration of a creationist argument, in Godfrey, L. R., ed., Scientists Confront Creationism: New York, W.W. Norton, p. 219-244.

Story, R., 1976, The Space Gods Revealed: New York, Harper & Row, 139 p.

---, 1980, Guardians of the Universe?: New York, St. Martin's Press, 207 p.

Trefil, J. S., 1978, A consumer's guide to pseudoscience: Saturday Review, p. 16-21.

Velikovsky, I., 1965, Worlds in Collision: New York, Dell; First printing, Doubleday, New York, 1950.

---, 1965(?), Earth In Upheaval: New York, Dell.

von Dniken, E., 1969, Chariots of the Gods? Unsolved Mysteries of the Past: New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 188 p.; Translated by M. Heron.

---, 1971, Gods from Outer Space: New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 190 p.

---, 1973, The Gold of the Gods: New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 210 p.

Wilson, C., 1972, Crash Go the Chariots: New York, Lancer Books, 126 p.

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