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Primitive man bibliography

Frazer, S. J., 1935, Creation and Evolution in Primitive Cosmogenies: London & New York, Macmillan.

Leakey, L. S. B., Prost, J., and Prost, S., 1971, Adam or ape: a sourcebook of discoveries about early man: Cambridge, Mass., Schenkman Publishing Company.

Radin, P., 1960, The World of Primitive Man: New York, Grove Press.

---, 1927, Primitive Man as a Philosopher: New York, Appleton-Century.

Spieth, J., 1906, Die Ewe-Stamme, Material zur Kunde des Ewe-Volkes in Deutsch- Togo: Berlin.

Sproul, B. C., 1979, Primal Myths: Creating the World: San Francisco, Harper & Row.

Young, J. Z., 1971, An Introduction to the Study of Man: New York, Claredon Press.

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