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Photoreceptors bibliography

Ali, M. A., 1984, Photoreception and Vision in Invertebrates: New York, Plenum Press.

Denton, E. J., Nicol, J. A. C., Gilpin-Brown, J. B., and Wright, P. G., 1970, On the "filters" of mesopelagic fish and on a fish emitting red light and especially sensitive to red light: Journal of Physiology, v. 208, p. 72P.

Steven, D. M., 1950, Some properties of the photoreceptors of the brook lamprey: Journal of Experimental Biology, v. 27, p. 350-364.

---, 1963, The dermal light sense: Biological Reviews, v. 38, p. 204-239.

Walls, G. L., 1942, The Vertebrate Eye and its Adaptive Radiation: Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, The Cranbrook Institute of Science.

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