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Peptides bibliography

Fox, S. W., Jungck, J. R., and Nakashima, T., 1974, From proteinoid microsphere to comtemporary cell: formation of internucleotide and peptide bonds by proteinoid particles: Origins Life, v. 5, p. 227-237.

Nakashima, T., and Fox, S. W., 1981, Formulation of peptides by single or multiple additions of ATP to suspensions of nucleoproteinoid microparticles: BioSystems, v. 14, p. 151-161.

Nakashima, T., Jungck, J. R., Fox, S. W., Lederer, E., and Das, B. C., 1977, A test for randomness in peptides isolated from a thermal polyamino acid: International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, v. QBS4, p. 65-72.

Pivcova, H., Saudek, V., Drobnik, J., and Vlasak, J., 1981, NMR study of poly (aspartic acid) I. - and -peptide bonds in poly (aspartic acid) prepared by thermal polycondensation: Biopolymers, v. 20, p. 1605-1614.

Temussi, P. A., Paolillo, L., Ferrara, L., Benedetti, E., and Andini, S., 1976, Structural characterization of thermal prebiotic polypeptides: Journal of Molecular Evolution, v. 7, p. 105-110.

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