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God bibliography

Angeles, P. A., 1980, The Problem of God: A Short Introduction: Buffalo, New York, Prometheus Books, 156 p.

Flew, A., 1969, God and Philosophy: New York, Harcourt, Brace and World.

Fulmer, G., 1977, The Concept of the Supernatural: Analysis, v. XXXVII, p. 113- 116.

Garrigou-Lagrange, R. F., 1952, The Trinity and God the Creator; a commentary on St. Thomas: St. Louis, Herder, 675 p.; Translated by F.C. Eckhoff.

Hinton, R. T., 1973, God and the possibility of science: Sophia, v. XII, p. 25- 29.

Jastrow, R., 1978, God and the Astronomers: New York, Norton.

---, 1980, Have astronomers found God?: Reader's Digest, v. 117 (699), p. 49-53.

Jevons, F. B., 1910, The Idea of God in Early Religions: Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Martin, M., 1970, A Disproof of God's Existence: Darshana International, v. IV, p. 40-45.

Matson, W. I., 1965, The Existence of God: Ithaca, Cornell University Press.

McCloskey, H. J., 1960, God and Evil: Philosophical Quarterly, v. X, p. 97-114.

Mellor, D. H., 1969, God and Probability: Religious Studies, v. V, p. 223-234.

Morreall, J., 1980, God as self-explanatory: Philosophical Quarterly, v. XXX, p. 206-214.

Plantinga, A., 1967, Gods and Other Minds: Ithaca, Cornell University Press.

Puccetti, R., 1964, The concept of God: Philosophical Quarterly, v. XV, p. 227- 245.

---, 1966, The loving God: Religious Studies, v. II, p. 255-268.

Richman, R. J., 1972, Plantinga, God and (yet) other minds: Australasian Journal of Philosophy, v. L, p. 40-55.

Smith, G. H., 1979, Atheism: The Case Against God: Buffalo, New York, Prometheus Books.

Warren, T. B., and Flew, A., 1977, The Warren-Flew Debate on the Existence of God: Jonesboro, National Christian Press.

Warren, T. B., and Matson, W. I., 1979, The Warren-Matson Debate on the Existence of God: Jonesboro, National Christian Press.

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