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Fossil assemblage bibliography

Bonaparte, J. F., and Powell, J. E., 1980, A continental assemblage of tetrapods from the Upper Cretaceous beds of El Brete, northwest Argentina: Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr., v. 139, p. 19-28.

Coope, G. R., 1975, Climatic Fluctuations in Northwest Europe Since the Last Interglacial, Indicated by Fossil Assemblages of Coleoptera, in Wright, A. E., and Moseley, F., eds., Ice Ages: Ancient and Modern, 6 of Geological Journal Special Issue: p. 153-168.

Osmolska, H., 1980, The Late Cretaceous vertebrate assemblages of the Gobi Desert, Mongolia: Memoirs of the Geological Society of France, v. 139, p. 145-150.

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