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Fish bibliography

Adey, W. R., and Bawin, S. M., 1977, Brain interactions with weak electric and magnetic fields: Neurosciences Research Program Bulletin, v. 15; 129 pp.

Adrian, E. D., and Buytendyk, F. J., 1931, Potential changes in the isolated brain stem of the goldfish: Journal of Physiology, v. 71, p. 121-135.

Aronson, L. R., and Kaplan, H., 1968, Function of the Teleostean Forebrain, in Ingle, D., ed., The Central Nervous System and Fish Behavior: Chicago, University of Chicago Press, p. 107-125.

Bainbridge, R., 1961, Problems of fish locomotion: Symposium of the Zoological Society, London, v. 5, p. 13-32.

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Bardach, J. E., and Villars, T., 1974, The Chemical Senses of Fishes, in Grant, P. T., and Mackie, A. M., eds., Chemoreception in Marine Organisms: London, Academic Press, p. 49-104.

Bennett, M. V. L., 1968, Neural Control of Electric Organs, in Ingle, D., ed., The Central Nervous System and Fish Behavior: Chicago, University of Chicago Press, p. 147-169.

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Beverton, R. J. H., and Holt, S. J., 1957, On the dynamics of exploited fish populations: Great Brit. Min. Agr. Fish, Food, Fish. Invest., v. 19, p. 1- 533; Series 2.

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Boerske, J. R. A., Jr., 1972, Taxonomy and taphonomy of the North American amiid fishes: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 1, p. 3-4.

Bone, Q., 1978, Locomotor Muscle, in Hoar, W. S., and Randall, D. J., eds., Fish Physiology: New York, Academic Press, v. VII.

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Denton, E. J., Nicol, J. A. C., Gilpin-Brown, J. B., and Wright, P. G., 1970, On the "filters" of mesopelagic fish and on a fish emitting red light and especially sensitive to red light: Journal of Physiology, v. 208, p. 72P.

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Denton, E. J., Nicol, J. A. C., Gilpin-Brown, J. B., Wright, P. G., Gray, J. A. B., and Blaxter, J. H. S., 1979, The mechanics of the clupeid acoustico- lateralis system : frequency responses: Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, v. 59, p. 27-47.

Gray, J., 1957, How fishes swim: Scientific American, v. 197, p. 48-54.

Greenwood, P. H., 1965, The cichlid fishes of Lake Nabugabo, Uganda: British Museum of Natural History Bulletin (Zoology), v. 12, p. 315-357.

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Greenwood, P. H., Miles, R. S., and Patterson, C., 1973, Interrelationships of Fishes: London, Academic Press; [Supplement No.1 to the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 53].

Greenwood, P. H., Miles, R. S., Patterson, C., Rosen, D. E., Weitzman, S. H., and Myers, G. S., 1966, Phyletic studies of teleostean fishes, with a provisional classification of living forms: Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, v. 131, no. Art. 4, p. 339-456.

Griffith, R. W., Umminger, B. L., Grant, B. F., Pang, P. K. T., and Pickford, G. E., 1974, Serum composition of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae Smith: Journal of Experimental Zoology, v. 187, p. 87-102.

Halstead, L. B., 1973, The heterostracan fishes: Biological Reviews, v. 48, p. 279-332.

Harris, J. E., 1936, The role of fins in the equilibrium of the swimming fish I. Wind-tunnel tests on a model of Mustelus canis (Mitchill): Journal of Experimental Biology, v. 13, p. 476-493.

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Hasler, A. D., 1971, Orientation and Fish Migration, in Hoar, W. S., and Randall, D. J., eds., Fish Physiology: New York, Academic Press, v. VI, p. 429-510.

Hoar, W. S., and Randall, D. J., 1969-1970, Fish Physiology: London, Academic Press, v. I-VIII.

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Johansen, K., Lenfant, C., and Grigg, G. C., 1967, Respiratory control in the lungfish: Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, v. 20, p. 835-854.

Maisey, J. G., 1980, An Evaluation of Jaw Suspension in Sharks: American Museum of Natural History Novitates, v. 2706, p. 15-17.

Marshall, N. B., 1965, The Life of Fishes: London, Weidenfield and Nicholson.

Moy-Thomas, J. A., and Miles, R. S., 1971, Paleozoic Fishes [2nd ed.]: London, Chapman and Hall.

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Thompson, K. S., 1980, The Ecology of the Lobe-Finned Fishes, in Panchen, A. L., ed., The Terrestrial Environment and the Origin of Land Vertebrates: London, Academic Press.

Westoll, T. S., 1949, On the Evolution of the Dipnoi, in Jepsen, G. L., Mayr, E., and Simpson, G. G., eds., Genetics, Paleontology and Evolution: Princeton, Princeton University Press, p. 121-188.

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