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Environmental science bibliography

Campbell, R. R., and Wade, J. L., 1972, Society and Environment: The Coming Collision: Boston, Allyn and Bacon, 375 p.

Cowles, R. P., and Brambel, C. E., 1936, A study of the environmental conditions in a bog pond with special reference to the diurnal vertical distribution of Gonyostomum semen: Biological Bulletin, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., v. 71, p. 286-298.

Dasmann, R. F., 1972, Environmental Conservation [3rd ed.]: New York, Wiley, 473 p.

Daubenmire, R. F., 1947, Plants and Environment: New York, Wiley, 424 p.

Ehrilch, P. R., and Erhlich, A. H., 1970, Population, resources, environment: issues in human ecology: San Francisco, Freeman, 383 p.

Strahler, A. N., and Strahler, A. H., 1974, Introduction to Environmental Science: Santa Barbara, California; New York, Hamilton Publishing Company; John Wiley and Sons, 633 p.

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