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Dinosaur physiology bibliography

Alexander, R. M., 1976, Estimates of speeds of dinosaurs: Nature, v. 261, p. 129-130.

Bakker, R. T., 1971, Dinosaur physiology and the origin of mammals: Evolution, v. 25, p. 636-658.

Bakker, R. T., and Galton, P. M., 1974, Dinosaur monophyly and a new class of vertebrates: Nature, v. 248, p. 168-172.

Barsbold, R., 1983, On the "avian" features of the structure of carnivorous dinosaurs: Joint Soviet-Mongolian Palaeontological Expedition Transactions, v. 24, p. 96-103; In Russian.

Beland, P., and Russell, D. A., 1980, Dinosaur Metabolism and Predator/Prey Ratios in the Fossil Record, in Thomas, D. K., and Olson, E. C., eds., A Cold Look at the Warm Blooded Dinosaurs: Washington, D.C., American Association for the Advancement of Science, p. 82-105.

Colbert, E. H., 1949, Evolutionary growth rates in the dinosaurs: Scientific Monthly, v. 69, p. 71.

Leipzig, M. R., 1981, Myological and Osteological Comparisons of Three Large Extant Reptiles ( Caiman sp., Tegu sp., Heloderma suspectum) and Implications on Dinosaurian Locomotion [Vertebrate Paleontology dissert.]: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 99 p.

---, 1990, The Encyclopedia Archosauria [1st ed.]: Pittsburgh, Pa., Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 863 p.

Reid, R. E. H., 1984, The histology of dinosaurian bone, and its possible bearing on dinosaur physiology: Symposium of the Zoological Society, London, v. 52, p. 629-663.

Ricqles, A. R., 1980, Tissue Structures of Dinosaur Bones: Functional Significance and Possible Relation to Dinosaur Physiology, in Thomas, D. K., and Olson, E. C., eds., A Cold Look at the Warm Blooded Dinosaurs: Washington, D.C., American Association for the Advancement of Science, p. 103-140.

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