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Creationist tomes bibliography

Aardsma, G. F., 1988, Has the Speed of Light Decayed?: ICR Impact Series, v. 179.

Ackerman, P. D., 1986, It's a Young World After All: Grand Rapids, Michigan, Baker Book House.

Acton, R. K., 1978, Bone disease simulating ancient age in "pre-human" fossils: ICR Impact Series, no. 59, p. i-iv.

Akridge, R., 1980, The sun is shrinking: ICR Impact Series, no. 82, p. i-iv.

Allen, B. F., 1942, The geologic age of the Mississippi River: Bulletin of the Deluge Society and Related Sciences, v. 2, no. 2, p. 37-62.

---, 1972, The geologic age of the Mississippi River: Creation Research Society Quarterly, v. 9, p. 96-114.

Austin, S. A., 1980, Origin of limestone caverns: ICR Impact Series, no. 79, p. i-iv.

---, 1982, Did the Earth have a reducing atmosphere?: ICR Impact Series, no. 109, p. i-iv.

---, 1983, Did landscapes evolve?: ICR Impact Series, no. 118, p. i-iv.

---, 1984, Catastrophes in Earth History: A Source Book of Geological Evidence, Speculation and Theory: El Cajon, California, Institute for Creation Research, 318 p.; ICR Technical Monograph 13.

Barnes, T., 1973, Origin's and Destiny of the Earth's Magnetic Field: San Diego, California, Creation-Life Publishers, 64 p.; ICR Technical Monograph, no.4.

Barnes, T. G., 1981, Depletion of the Earth's magnetic field: ICR Impact Series, v. 100, p. i-iv.

---, 1982, Young age for the moon and earth: ICR Impact Series, v. 110, p. i-iv.

---, 1983, The earth's magnetic age: the Achilles Heel of evolution: ICR Impact Series, v. 122, p. i-iv.

Beattie, P. H., 1985, The Religion of Secular Humanism: Free Inquiry, v. 6, no. 1, p. 12-17.

Bergman, J., 1977, Albert Szent-Georgyi's theory of syntropy and creationism: ICR Impact Series, v. 54, p. i-iv.

Bliss, R. B., 1988, Good Science: A K-6 plan for Excellence: ICR Impact Series, v. 182.

Boardman, W., Koontz, R. F., and Morris, H. M., 1973, Science and Creation: San Diego, California, Creation Science Research Center.

Brewster, E. T., 1927, Creation; A History of Non-Evolutionary Theories: Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill, 295 p.

Brown, W. T., 1983, The Scientific Case for Creationism: 108 Catagories of Evidence, in Zetterberg, J. P., ed., Evolution Versus Creationism: The Public Education Controversy: Phoenix, AZ., Oryx Press.

Burdick, C. L., 1973, Discovery of human skeletons in Cretaceous formations: Creation Research Society Quarterly, v. 10, p. 109-110.

Clark, M. E., 1975-1976, Our Amazing Circulatory System...By Chance or Creation?: San Diego, California, Creation-Life Publishers.

Cook, M. A., 1968, Do radiological clocks need repair?: Creation Research Society Quarterly, v. 5, p. 70.

---, 1970, William J. Meister discovery of human footprint with trilobites in a Cambrian formation of western Utah, in Lammerts, W. E., ed., Why Not Creationism?: Philadelphia, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, p. 185-186.

Cooper, B., 1983, Human fossils from Noah's Flood: Ex Nihilo, v. 3, no. 3 (International), p. 6-9.

Cornell, G. W., 1987, Abrupt-Origin Advocates Say Theories Scientific, Not Religious: Gainesville (Fla) Sun.

Creationism Resources, 1985, [January ed.]: Minneapolis, MN, Bible-Science Association.

Creation-Life Publishers, 1977, 21 Scientists Who Believe in Creation: San Diego, Ca., Creation-Life Publishers.

Cumming, K. B., 1980, Extinction: ICR Impact Series, no. 84, p. i-iv.

Daly, R., 1972, The cause of the Ice Age: Creation Research Society Quarterly, v. 9, p. 210-217.

Davidheiser, B., 1979, Evolution and Christian Faith: Grand Rapids, Mi., Baker Book House.

DeYoung, D. B., 1979, The moon: A faithful witness in the sky: ICR Impact Series, v. 68, p. i-iv.

Dillow, J. C., 1981, The Waters Above: Moody Press, 479 p.

---, 1983, The vertical temperature structure of the pre-flood vapor canopy: Creation Research Society Quarterly, v. 20, p. 7-14.

Eads, B. R., 1979, Let the Evidence Speak! Creation or Evolution?: Atlanta, Ga., Peachtree Publishers, 173 p.

Fackerell, E., 1984, The age of the astronomical universe: Ex Nihilo Technical Journal, v. 1, p. 87-94.

Films for Christ Association, 1986, Footprints in stone: The current situation: Origins Research, v. 9, no. 1, p. 15; ("Footprints in stone": Creationist 'Mantracks' Film).

Friar, W., and Davis, P., 1983, A Case for Creation [3rd ed.]: Chicago, Illinois, Moody Press.

Gallant, R. A., 1975, How Life Began: Creation Versus Evolution: New York, Four Winds Press, 214 p.

Gardner, E. J., 1960, Organic Evolution and the Bible: Logan, Utah, Utah State University Press, 45 p.

Geisler, N. L., 1983, A scientific basis for creation: the principle of uniformity: Creation/Evolution, v. 4, p. 1-6.

Gentry, R. V., 1984, Radioactive Halos in a Radiochronological and Cosmological Perspective, in Awbery, F. T., and Thwaites, W. M., eds., Evolutionists Confront Creationists: San Francisco, Ca., American Association for the Advancement of Science, v. 1, Part 3, p. 38-65; Proceedings of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Pacific Division.

Gish, D. T., 1972, Speculations and Experiments Related to Theories on the Origin of Life: A Critique: San Diego, California, Creation-Life Publishers.

---, 1972, Evolution? - The Fossils Say No!: San Diego, Ca., Creation-life Publishers.

---, 1974, The solar system--new discoveries produce new mysteries: ICR Impact Series, v. 15, p. i-iv.

---, 1976, Origin of life: critique of early stage chemical evolution theories: ICR Impact Series, v. 31, p. i-iv.

---, 1976, Origin of life: The Fox thermal model of the origin of life: ICR Impact Series, v. 33, p. i-iv.

---, 1976, The origin of life: Theories on the origin of biological order: ICR Impact Series, v. 37, p. i-iv.

---, 1977, Dinosaurs: Those Terrible Lizards: El Cajon, California, Master Books [a.k.a. Creation-Life Publishers], 62 p.

---, 1978, Evolution? The Fossils Say No! [Public School ed.]: San Diego, California, Creation-Life Publishers, 189 p.

---, 1978, Thermodymanics and the origin of life (Part II): ICR Impact Series, v. 58, p. i-iv.

---, 1979, Evolution? The Fossils Say No! [3rd ed.]: San Diego, Ca., Creation- Life Publishers.

---, 1980, The origin of mammals: ICR Impact Series, v. 87, p. i-viii.

---, 1981, Letter to the Editors: Discover, v. 2, p. 6.

---, 1981, The Genesis War: Science Digest, p. 82.

---, 1981, Acts, Facts and Impacts. (December Issue) Creation-Life Publishers, San Diego, Ca.

---, 1981, The mammal-like reptiles: ICR Impact Series, v. 102, p. i-viii.

---, 1982, Letter to editor: Science 82, v. 3, no. 1, p. 16.

---, 1983, Creating a missing link: a tale about a whale: ICR Impact Series, v. 123, p. i-iv.

---, 1985, Evolution: The Challenge of the Fossil Record: El Cajon, California, Creation-Life Publishers, Master Books Division, 278 p.

---, 1986, It's Evolutionists, Not Creationists, Who Advocate Blind Dogmatism: Miami Herald.

---, 1987, Startling Discoveries Support Creation: ICR Impact Series, v. 171, p. i-iv.

---, 1988, Debate with Ian Plimer. Videotape.

Habgood, J., 1982, Evolution and the doctrine of creation: Insight, v. 13, p. 1- 9; Wycliffe College, Toronto, Canada.

Ham, K., 1984, What happened to the dinosaurs?: Ex Nihilo, v. 7, no. 2, p. 6-11.

---, 1987, The Lie; Evolution: El Cajon, California, Master Books.

---, 1989, Bishop or Bible? A Question of Authority: Acts and Facts, v. 18, no. 1, p. 5-6.

---, 1989, Five Vital Questions to Ask Your Church or School: Acts and Facts, v. 18, no. 5, p. a-c.

---, 1989, Is God an Evolutionist?: Acts and Facts, v. 18, no. 3, p. a-b.

Hayes, Z., 1980, What Are They Saying About Creation?: New York, Paulist Press, 120 p.

Heinze, T. F., 1973, Creation vs. Evolution [2 rev. ed.]: Grand Rapids, Michigan, Baker Book House.

Hiebert, H., 1979, Evolution: Its Collapse in View?: Alberta, Horizon Books.

Hoyle, F., Wichramasinghe, N. C., and Watkins, R. S., 1985, Archeopteryx: British Journal of Photography, v. 132, p. 693-694, 703.

Humphreys, R., 1989, The Mystery of the Earth's Magnetic Field: ICR Impact Series, v. 188, p. i-iv.

Institute for Creation Research, 1977, 21 Scientists Who Believe in Creation: San Diego, California, Institute for Creation Research.

---, 1981-1982, Graduate School Catalog: El Cajon, California, Institute for Creation Research, 48 p.

---, 1987, Creationism and the Supreme Court: Acts and Facts, v. 16, no. 8, p. 1,3.

---, 1987, The Supreme Court Decision and its Meaning: ICR Impact Series, v. 170.

---, 1988, Radio Debate on the Age of the Earth: Acts and Facts, v. 17, no. 2, p. 2-3,7.

---, 1988, Search for Noah's Ark Continues: Acts and Facts, v. 17, no. 11, p. 4.

Klotz, J. W., 1970, Philosophical and Theological Background [to Creationism], in Lammerts, W. E., ed., Why Not Creation?: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, p. 5-24.

---, 1970, Genes, Genesis, and Evolution: St. Louis, Mo., Concordia Publishing Co.

---, 1985, Studies in Creation: A General Introduction to the Creation/Evolution Debate: St. Louis, Mo., Concordia Publishing House.

Knaub, C., and Parker, G., 1982, Molecular evolution?: ICR Impact Series, v. 114, p. i-iv.

Kofahl, R. E., 1977, Handy Dandy Evolution Refuter: San Diego, California, Beta Books.

---, 1981, Letter to editor: Science, v. 212, p. 873.

Kofahl, R. E., and Seagraves, K. L., 1975, The Creation Explanation: Wheaton, Ill., Harold Shaw Publishers.

Kulp, J. L., 1950, Flood Geology: Journal of American Scientific Affiliations, v. 2, p. 1-15.

LaHaye, T., 1975, Introduction, in Morris, H. M., ed., The Troubled Waters of Evolution [2nd ed.]: San Diego, California, Creation-Life Publishers, p. 5- 6.

---, 1980, The Battle for the Mind: Old Tappen, New Jersey, Fleming H. Revell Co.

LaHaye, T., and Morris, J., 1976, The Ark on Ararat: San Diego, California, Thomas S. Nelson & Creation-Life Publishers (Joint Publishers), 275 p.

Lammerts, W. E., 1971, Scientific Studies in Special Creation: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.

Leslie, J. G., 1984, Mutation and design in the genome: Ex Nihilo, v. 6, no. 4, p. 38-45.

Mackay, J., 1983, Mt. St. Helens: Key to rapid coal formation?: Ex Nihilo, v. 2, no. 1 (International), p. 6-8.

---, 1984, The origin of races: Ex Nihilo, v. 6, no. 4, p. 6-12.

Marsh, F. L., 1947, Evolution, Creation, and Science: Washington, D.C., Review and Herald Publishing Association.

---, 1978, Variation and fixity among living things. A new biological principle: Creation Research Society Quarterly, v. 15, p. 115-118.

Matthews, R. W., 1982, Radiometric dating and the age of the earth: Ex Nihilo, v. 5, no. 1, p. 41-44.

McQueen, D. R., 1988, Days Of Noah: Days of Praise, v. June-July-August, no. 24 July.

Mixter, R., 1950, Creation and Evolution: American Scientific Affiliation; Monograph 2.

Moore, J., 1974, Should Evolution Be Taught?: San Diego, Ca., Creation-Life Publishers.

Moore, J. N., 1970, Evolution - required or optional in a science course?: Journal of American Scientific Affiliations, v. 22, p. 82-87.

---, 1970, Should Evolution Be Taught?: East Lansing, Mi., Privately published, 28 p.

---, 1971, On chromosomes, mutations and phylogeny: American Association for the Advancement of Science; 138th Annual Meeting, paper, 16 p. (mimeograph).

---, 1971, Retrieval system problems with articles in Evolution: American Institute of Biological Sciences; 22nd Annual Meeting, Paper 279, 13 p. (mimeograph).

---, 1976, Questions and Answers on Creation/Evolution: Grand Rapids, Michigan, Baker Book House.

Moore, J. N., and Slusher, H. B., 1970, Biology: A Search for Order in Complexity: Grand Rapids, Mi., Zondervan Publishing House, 595 p.

Moore, J. N., and Slusher, H. S., 1971, Biology: A Search for Order in Complexity [2nd ed.]: Grand Rapids, Mi., Zondervan.

Morris, H. M., 1949, That You Might Believe: San Diego, California, Creation- Life Publishers; Revised edition, 1976.

---, 1963, The Twilight of Evolution: Grand Rapids, Michigan, Baker Book House.

---, 1966, Studies in the Bible and Science: Philadelphia, Pa.

---, 1967, Evolution and the Modern Christian: Grand Rapids, Michigan, Baker Book House.

---, 1968, Science versus Creationism, in Morris, H. M., and et al, eds., A Symposium on Creation: Grand Rapids, Mi., Baker Book House, p. 9-13.

---, 1970, Biblical Cosmology and Modern Science: Nutley, New Jersey, Craig Press.

---, 1974, Many Infallible Proofs: Practical and Useful Evidences of Christianity: San Diego, California, Creation-Life Publishers.

---, 1974, Scientific Creationism [1st ed.]: San Diego, California, Creation- Life Publishers, Public School Edition, 217 pp.; General Edition, 277 pp. p.; Second Edition, Revised 1985.

---, 1974, The Troubled Waters of Evolution: San Diego, Ca., Creation-Life Publishers.

---, 1974, The young earth: ICR Impact Series, v. 17, p. i-iv.

---, 1975, Introducing Creationism in the Public Schools: San Diego, Ca., Creation-Life Publishers.

---, 1975, Language, creation, and the inner man: ICR Impact Series, v. 28, p. i-iv.

---, 1976, Entropy and Open Systems: Acts and Facts; Impact #40.

---, 1976, Up with catastrophism!: ICR Impact Series, v. 38, p. i-iv.

---, 1977, The Scientific Case for Creationism: San Diego, California, Master Books [Creation-Life Publishers].

---, 1977, Circular reasoning in evolutionary geology: ICR Impact Series, v. 48, p. i-iv.

---, 1978, The Remarkable Birth of Planet Earth: Minneapolis, Minn., Bethany House.

---, 1978, Scientific Creationism [second printing] [Public School ed.]: San Diego, Ca., Creation-Life Publishers.

---, 1978, The day-age theory revisited: ICR Impact Series, v. 55, p. i-iv.

---, 1978, Thermodynamics and the origin of life: ICR Impact Series, v. 57, p. i-iv.

---, 1982, Creation and its Critics: San Diego, California, Creation-Life Publishers.

---, 1982, The Troubled Waters of Evolution [2nd ed.]: San Diego, California, Creation-life Publishers.

---, 1983, Science, Scripture and the Young Earth: San Diego, California, Institute for Creation Research.

---, 1983, Those remarkable floating rock formations: ICR Impact Series, v. 119, p. i-iv.

---, 1984, The Biblical Basis for Modern Science: Grand Rapids, Michigan, Baker Book House (Zondervan).

---, 1984, A History of Modern Creationism: San Diego, California, Master Books, 382 p.

---, 1984, Evolution Ex nihilo : ICR Impact Series, v. 135, p. i-iv.

---, 1985, The Religion of Evolution: El Cajon, California, Institute for Creation Research.

---, 1985, Scientific Creationism [2nd gen. ed.]: El Cajon, California, Master Books.

---, 1986, Science and the Bible [Rev. ed.]: Chicago, Illinois, Moody Press.

---, 1987, Is Creationism Scientific?: Acts and Facts, v. 16, no. 12, p. 1,4.

---, 1987, The Judging Spirit of God: Days of Praise, v. Sept. Oct. Nov., no. 28 Oct.

---, 1987, Letter to the friends of the ICR. May.

---, 1987, Letter to the friends of the ICR. August.

---, 1987, Letter to the friends of the ICR. October.

---, 1987, Letter (with Days of Praise) to friends of the ICR. December.

---, 1987, The Physical Sciences, in Morris, H. M., and Parker, G. E., eds., What is Creation Science? [Rev. ed.]: El Cajon, California, Master Books, p. 187-293.

---, 1988, The Compromise Road: ICR Impact Series, v. 177.

---, 1988, God-Hardened Hearts: Days of Praise, v. June-July-August, no. 3 August.

---, 1988, Harvest is Past: Days of Praise, v. Dec.-Jan.-Feb., no. 31 Dec.

---, 1988, The Heritage of the Recapitulation Theory: ICR Impact Series, v. 183.

---, 1988, Letter to the friends of the ICR. November.

---, 1988, Letter to friends of the ICR. December.

---, 1988, Men of Science, Men of God: Great Scientists of the Past who Believed in the Bible [Rev. ed.]: El Cajon, California, Master Books.

---, 1989, Evolution: A House Divided: ICR Impact Series, v. 194.

---, 1989, The Fire of God: Days of Praise, v. June-July-August, no. 7 June.

---, 1989, How a Christian Dies: ICR Impact Series, v. 193.

---, 1989, Letter to friends of the ICR. February.

---, 1989, 1988 a Great Year! Annual report of ICR Activities: Acts and Facts, v. 18, no. 1, p. 2,9.

---, 1973 (?), Evolution, thermodynamics, and entropy: ICR Impact Series, v. 3, p. (pages not numbered).

Morris, H. M., and Parker, G. E., 1987, What is Creation Science? [Rev. ed.]: El Cajon, California, Master Books.

Morris, J. D., 1976, The Paluxy River tracks: ICR Impact Series, v. 35, p. i- viii.

---, 1976, Tracking Those Incredible Dinosaurs and the People Who Knew Them: San Diego, California, Creation-Life Publishers, 239 p.; See rebuttal: "Tracking those incredible creationists"...Satiricon.

---, 1986, The Paluxy River mystery: ICR Impact Series, v. 151, p. i-iv.

---, 1986, The Paluxy River mystery. Letter in: Nature, v. 321, p. 722.

---, 1986, Follow up on the Paluxy mystery: Origins Research, v. 9, no. 1, p. 14.

---, 1988, A Report on the ICR Ararat Expedition, 1987: ICR Impact Series, v. 175.

---, 1989, The Allure of the Crowd: Days of Praise, v. March-April-May, no. 19 March.

---, 1989, How Do the Dinosaurs Fit In?: Acts and Facts, v. 18, no. 5, p. d.

Nelson, B., 1967, After Its Kind [Revised ed.]: Minneapolis, Minn., Bethany Fellowships, Inc.

Nevins, S. E., 1976, Continental drift, plate tectonics, and the Bible: ICR Impact Series, no. 32; i-iv.

---, 1976, The origin of coal: ICR Impact Series, v. 41, p. i-iv.

Oller, J. W., 1984, Not according to Hoyle: ICR Impact Series, v. 138, p. i-iv.

Parker, G. E., 1980, The Facts of Life: San Diego, Ca., Creation-Life Publishers.

---, 1987, The Life Sciences, in Morris, H. M., and Parker, G. E., eds., What Is Creation Science? [Revised ed.]: El Cajon, California, Master Books, p. 31-184.

Price, G. McC., 1924, The Phantom of Organic Evolution: New York, Fleming H. Revell Co.

---, 1930, A History of Some Scientific Blunders: New York, Fleming H. Revell Co.

---, 1935, The Modern Flood Theory of Geology: New York, Fleming H. Revell Co.

---, 1941, Genesis Vindicated: Takoma Park, Md. and Washington, D.C., Review and Herald Publishing Association.

Price, G. McR., 1923, The New Geology: Mountain View, California, Pacific Press, 706 p.

Ramm, B., 1954, The Christian View of Science and Scripture: Grand Rapids, Mi., Wm. B. Erdmans Publishing Co., 255 p.

Reid, J., 1968, God, the Atom, and the Universe: Grand Rapids, Mi., Zondervan Publishing House, 240 p.

Rybka, T. W., 1982, Consequences of time dependent nuclear decay indices on half lifes: ICR Impact Series, v. 106, p. i-iv.

Setterfield, B., 1981, The velocity of light and the age of the universe: Ex Nihilo, v. 4, no. 1, p. 38-48.

---, 1982, The velocity of light and the age of the universe: Ex Nihilo, v. 1, no. 1 (International Edition), p. 53-93.

---, 1983, The velocity of light and the age of the universe: Ex Nihilo, v. 1, no. 3 (International Edition), p. 41-46.

---, 1984, C decay and the red-shift: Ex Nihilo Technical Journal, v. 1, p. 71- 86.

---, 1984, The age of the astronomical universe--a reply: Ex Nihilo Technical Journal, v. 1, p. 95-104.

Slusher, H., 1973, Critique of Radiometric Dating: San Diego, California, Creation-Life Publishers.

---, 1976, Age of the Cosmos: San Diego, California, Creation-Life Publishers.

Slusher, H. S., 1976, Some Recent Developments Having to do With Time, in Morris, H. M., and Gish, D. T., eds., The Battle for Creation: San Diego, California, Creation-Life Publishers, p. 278-285.

---, 1978, The origin of the universe: an examination of the big-bang and steady-state cosmogenies: ICR Technical Monograph, v. 8; Institute for Creation Research, 50 pp.

---, 1980, Age of the cosmos: ICR Technical Monograph, v. 9; Institute for Creation Research, 76 pp.

---, 1981, Critique of Radiometric Dating [2nd ed.]: San Diego, California, Creation-Life Publishers, 58 p.; ICR Technical Monograph, No.2.

Slusher, H. S., and Gamwell, T. P., 1978, The Age of the Earth: San Diego, California, Creation-Life Publishers.

Snelling, A., 1982, The recent origin of Bass Strait oil and gas: Ex Nihilo, v. 5, no. 2, p. 43-46; International Edition, Vol. 1, No. 2.

---, 1983, What about continental drift? Have the continents moved apart?: Ex Nihilo, v. 2, no. 1, p. 14-16; International Edition.

---, 1983, Creationist geology: the Precambrian: Ex Nihilo, v. 6, no. 2, p. 42- 46; International Edition, Vol. 2, No. 2.

---, 1984, The recent, rapid formation of the Mount Isa orebodies during Noah's Flood: Ex Nihilo Technical Journal, v. 6, no. 3, p. 40-46; International Edition, Vol. 2, No. 3.

Snelling, A., and Mackay, J., 1984, Coal volcanism and Noah's Flood: Ex Nihilo Technical Journal, v. 1, p. 11-29.

Stambaugh, J. S., 1989, Death Before Sin?: ICR Impact Series, v. 191.

Starr, C., and Taggart, R., 1984, Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life [3rd ed.]: Belmont, California, Wadsworth.

Staunton, L. P., 1984, Review of The Origin of the Universe by Harold S. Slusher, in Weinberg, S., ed., Reviews of Thirty Creationist Books: Syosset, New York, National Center for Science Education, p. 52.

Sunderland, L. D., and Parker, G. E., 1982, Evolution? Prominent scientist reconsiders: ICR Impact Series, v. 108, p. i-iv.

Trop, M., 1983, Is the Archeopteryx a fake?: Creation Research Society Quarterly, v. 20, p. 120-121.

Vardiman, L., 1984, The sky has fallen: ICR Impact Series, v. 128, p. i-iv.

Watkins, R. S., Hoyle, F., Wickramsinghe, N. C., Watkins, J., Rabilizirof, R., and Spetner, L. M., 1985, Archeopteryx--a photographic study: British Journal of Photography, v. 132, p. 264-266, 358-359, 367, 469-470.

Watson, D. C. C., 1976, The Great Brain Robbery: Chicago, Ill., Moody Press.

Webber, R. E., 1982, Secular Humanism: Threat and Challenge: Grand Rapids, Michigan, Zondervan.

Weinberg, S., 1984, Reviews of Thirty Creationist Books: Syosset, New York, National Center for Science Education.

Weinberg, S. N., 1986, Creation/Evolution Literature from Austraila: Creation/ Evolution Newsletter, v. 6, p. 20-22.

Whitcomb, J. C., 1964, Origin of the Solar System: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.

---, 1973, The World That Perished: Grand Rapids, Michigan, Baker Book House.

---, 1984, The Bible and Astronomy: Winona Lake, Indiana, BMH Books.

Whitcomb, J. C., and Morris, H. M., 1961, The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and its Scientific Implications: Philadelphia, PA., Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 518 p.

---, 1964, Preface to the Sixth Printing, in Whitcomb, J. C., and Morris, H. M., eds., The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and its Scientific Implications [6th ed.]: Grand Rapids, Michigan, Baker Book House, p. xxv- xxix.

Whitelaw, R. L., 1968, Radiocarbon confirms biblical creation: Creation Research Society Quarterly, v. 5, p. 80.

Whitney, D. J., 1961, Genesis Versus Evolution: The Problem of Creation and Atheistic Science [1st ed.]: New York, Exposition Press, 61 p.; Foreword by H.S. Slusher.

Wilder-Smith, A. E., 1970, The Creation of Life: San Diego, Ca., Creation-Life Publishers.

---, 1981, The Natural Sciences Know Nothing of Evolution: San Diego, California, Creation-Life Publishers.

Woodmorappe, J., 1979, Radiometric geochronology reappraised: Creation Research Society Quarterly, v. 16, p. 102-129, 147.

Wysong, R. L., 1976, The Creation-Evolution Controversy: Midland, Mi., Inquiry Press, 455 p.

Young, D. A., 1977, Creation and the Flood: Grand Rapids, Mi., Baker Book House, 217 p.

---, 1982, Christianity and the Age of the Earth: Grand Rapids, Michigan, Zondervan.

Zimmerman, P. A., 1970, Rock Strata and the Bible Record: St. Louis, Concordia Publishing House.

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