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Comparative anatomy bibliography

Barrington, E. J. W., 1938, The digestive system of Amphioxus ( Branchiostoma) lanceolatus: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London B, v. 228, p. 269-311.

Beklemishev, W. N., 1969, Principles of Comparative Anatomy of Invertebrates: Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd.

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Hoffstetter, R., and Gasc, J.-P., 1969, Vertebrae and Ribs of Modern Reptiles, in Gans, C., ed., Biology of the Reptilia: London and New York, Academic Press, v. 1 (Morphology A), p. 201-310.

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Jollie, M. T., 1977, Segmentation of the vertebrate head: American Zoologist, v. 17, p. 323-333.

Jones, G. M., 1974, The Functional Significance of Semicircular Canal Size, in Kornhuber, H. H., ed., Vestibular System Part 1: Basic Mechanisms, VI/1 of Handbook of Sensory Physiology: Berlin, Springer, p. 171-184.

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Martin, L. D., 1984, The Relationship of Archeopteryx to Other Birds, in Hecht, M. K., Ostrom, J. H., Viohl, G., and Wellnhofer, P., eds., The Beginnings of Birds: Eichstatt, Fruende des Jura-Museums, p. 177-184.

Nicholls, E. L., and Russell, A. P., 1985, Structure and function of the pectoral girdle and forelimb of Struthiomimus altus (Theropoda: Ornithomimidae): Palaeontology, v. 28, p. 643-677.

Olson, E. C., 1944, Origin of mammals based upon cranial morphology of the therapsid suborders: Geological Society of America, Special Paper, v. 55.

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Ostrom, J. H., 1980, Coelurus and Ornitholestes: Are they the same?, in Jacobs, L. L., ed., Aspects of Vertebrate History: Flagstaff, Arizona, University of Northern Arizona Press, p. 245-256.

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Paul, G. S., 1984, The hand of Archeopteryx: Nature, v. 310, p. 372.

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Sues, H.-D., 1977, Dentaries of small theropods from the Judith River Formation (Campanian) of Alberta, Canada: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 14, p. 587-592.

Taquet, P., and Welles, S. M., 1977, Redescription du crane de dinosaure theropode de dives (Normandie): Ann. Paleont. Vert., v. 63, p. 191-206.

Tarsitano, S., and Hecht, M. K., 1982, A reconsideration of the reptilian relationships of Archeopteryx: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, v. 69, p. 149-182.

Thulborn, R. A., 1984, The avain relationships of Archeopteryx, and the origin of birds: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, v. 82, p. 119- 158.

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Walker, A. D., 1972, New light on the origin of birds and crocodiles: Nature, v. 237, p. 257-263.

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Welles, S. P., 1984, Dilophosaurus wetherilli (Dinosauria: Theropoda) osteology and comparisons: Palaeontographica A, v. 185, p. 85-180.

Welles, S. P., and Long, R. A., 1974, The tarsus of theropod dinosaurs: Annals of the South African Museum, v. 44, p. 117-155.

Whetstone, K. N., 1983, Braincase of Mesozoic birds: 1. New preparation of the "London" Archeopteryx: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, v. 2, p. 439- 452.

Whiting, H. P., 1977, Cranial Anatomy of the Ostracoderms in Relation to the Organisation of Larval Lampreys, in Andrews, S. M., Miles, R. S., and Walker, A. D., eds., Problems in Vertebrate Evolution: Essays Presented to Professor T.S. Westoll, F.R.S., F.L.S, 4 of Linnean Society Symposium Series: London, Academic Press, p. 1-23.

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