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Chemical evolution bibliography

Aw, S. E., 1976, Chemical Evolution: Singapore, University Education Press.

Barrington, E. J. W., 1974, Biochemistry of Primitive Deuterostomians, in Florkin, M., and Scheer, B. T., eds., Chemical Zoology: London, Academic Press, v. VIII, p. 61-95.

Calvin, M., 1969, Chemical Evolution: Oxford, Oxford University Press, 278 p.

Dickerson, R. E., 1978, Chemical evolution and the origin of life: Scientific American, v. 239, no. 3, p. 70-108.

Florkin, M., and Scheer, B. T., 1967-1979, Chemical Zoology: New York, Academic Press; 11 Volumes.

Gish, D. T., 1976, Origin of life: critique of early stage chemical evolution theories: ICR Impact Series, v. 31, p. i-iv.

Hayatsu, R., 1964, Orgueil meteorite: Organic nitrogen contents: Science, v. 146, p. 1291-1292.

Stoks, P. G., and Schwarts, A. W., 1978, Uracil in carbonaceous meteorites: Nature, v. 282, p. 709-710.

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