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Biography bibliography

Brent, P., 1981, Charles Darwin: A Man of Enlarged Curiosity: New York, Harper and Row.

Clark, R. W., 1984, The Survival of Charles Darwin: A Biography of Man and Idea: London, Weidenfield and Nicholson.

De Beer, G., 1963, Charles Darwin: London, Nelson and Sons.

Feuer, L. S., 1974, Einstein and the Generations of Science: New York, Basic Books.

Frank, P., 1953, Einstein: His Life and Times: New York, Knopf.

Hoffman, B., 1972, Albert Einstein: Creator and Rebel: New York, New American Library.

Schlipp, P., 1951, Albert Einstein: Philosopher Scientist: New York, Tudor.

Schuchert, C., 1928, Charles Doolittle Walcott (1850-1927): Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, v. 62, p. 276-285.

Taft, W. H. et al., 1928, Charles Doolittle Walcott: Memorial meeting, January 24, 1928: Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, v. 80, p. 1-37.

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