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Bioelectrical phenomena bibliography

Adey, W. R., and Bawin, S. M., 1977, Brain interactions with weak electric and magnetic fields: Neurosciences Research Program Bulletin, v. 15; 129 pp.

Bennett, M. V. L., 1968, Neural Control of Electric Organs, in Ingle, D., ed., The Central Nervous System and Fish Behavior: Chicago, University of Chicago Press, p. 147-169.

---, 1971, Electric Organs, in Hoar, W. S., and Randall, D. J., eds., Fish Physiology: New York, Academic Press, v. V, p. 347-491.

Kleerekoper, H., and Sibakin, K., 1956, Spike potentials produced by the sea lamprey ( Petromyzon marinus) in the water surrounding the head region: Nature, v. 178, p. 490-491.

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