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Bible bibliography

Achtemeier, P. J., 1985, Harper's Bible Dictionary: San Francisco, Harper & Row.

Anderson, B. W., 1966, Understanding the Old Testament [2nd ed.]: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall.

Atkins, P. W., 1981, The Creation: Oxford & San Francisco, W.H. Freeman.

Bailey, L. R., 1978, Where is Noah's Ark?: Nashville, Tennessee, Abingdon.

Bird, P. A., 1985, Shem, in Achtemeier, P. J., ed., Harper's Bible Dictionary: San Francisco, Harper & Row, p. 939.

Budge, E. A. W., 1895, The Book of the Dead: The Papyrus of Ani in the British Museum: New York, Dover, 1967.

Cazeau, C., 1982, Geology and the Bible: Free Inquiry, v. 2, no. 3, p. 32-34.

Edwords, F., 1983, Searching for Noah's Ark: The Humanist, v. 43, no. 6, p. 35.

Frazer, S. J., 1919, Folklore in the Old Testament: London & New York, Macmillan, v. 1-3.

Freidman, R. E., 1987, Who Wrote the Bible?: New York, Summit Books.

Frye, R. M., 1983, Creation-Science Against the Religious Background, in Frye, R. M., ed., Is God a Creationist? The Religious Case Against Creation-Science: New York, Scribner's, p. 1-28.

Garrigou-Lagrange, R. F., 1952, The Trinity and God the Creator; a commentary on St. Thomas: St. Louis, Herder, 675 p.; Translated by F.C. Eckhoff.

Gillespie, C. C., 1951, Genesis and Geology: New York, Harper.

---, 1959, Genesis and Geology: New York, Harper and Row.

Ginsberg, H. L., 1969, Ugartic Myths, Epics and Legends, in Pritchard, J. B., ed., Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament [3rd ed.]: Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, p. 129-155.

Greenspahn, F. E., 1983, Biblical Views of Creation: Creation/Evolution, v. 13, p. 30-38.

Harris, C. L., 1981, Evolution: Genesis and Revelations: Albany, State University of New York Press.

Hauret, C., 1955, Origines de l'univers et de l'homme d'apres la Bible [Beginnings: Genesis and Modern Science]: Dubuque, Priory Press, 304 p.

Heim, K., 1874-1958, The world: its creation and consummation; the end of the present age and the future of the world in the light of the Resurrection: Philadelphia [1962], Muhlenberg Press, 159 p.; Translated by R. Smith.

Issar, A. S., 1990, Water Shall Flow from the Rock (Hydrogeology and Climate in the Lands of the Bible): New York, Springer-Verlag, 213 p.

Jevons, F. B., 1910, The Idea of God in Early Religions: Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Kramer, S. N., 1969, Sumerian Myths and Epic Tales, in Pritchard, J. B., ed., Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament [3rd ed.]: Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, p. 37-59.

Lambert, W. G., 1965, A New Look at the Babylonian Background of Genesis: Journal of Theological Studies, v. 16 (Part 2), p. 288-300.

Longstaff, T. R. W., 1985, God, in Achtemeier, P. J., ed., Harper's Bible Dictionary: San Francisco, Harper & Row, p. 350-351.

Marsden, G. W., 1981, Fundamentalism and American Culture: The Shaping of Twentieth-Century Evangelicism 1870-1925: New York, Oxford University Press.

May, H. G., and Metzger, B. M., 1973, The New Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha [Revised Standard ed.]: New York, Oxford University Press.

McKenzie, J. L., 1980, The Old Testament without Illusion: Garden City, New Jersey, Image Books.

Mettinger, T. N. D., 1988, In Search of God: The Meaning and Message of the Everlasting Names: Philadelphia, Pa., Fortress Press; Translated by Frederick H. Cryer.

Miller, M. S., and Miller, J. L., 1973, Harper's Bible Dictionaary [8th ed.]: New York, Harper and Row.

Moore, R. A., 1983, The Impossible Voyage of Noah's Ark: Creation/Evolution, v. 4, p. 1-43.

Morowitz, H. J., 1982, Navels of Eden: Science 82, v. 3, no. 2, p. 20-22.

Morris, H. M., 1970, Biblical Cosmology and Modern Science: Nutley, New Jersey, Craig Press.

---, 1983, Science, Scripture and the Young Earth: San Diego, California, Institute for Creation Research.

---, 1984, The Biblical Basis for Modern Science: Grand Rapids, Michigan, Baker Book House (Zondervan).

---, 1986, Science and the Bible [Rev. ed.]: Chicago, Illinois, Moody Press.

---, 1988, Men of Science, Men of God: Great Scientists of the Past who Believed in the Bible [Rev. ed.]: El Cajon, California, Master Books.

Nevins, S. E., 1976, Continental drift, plate tectonics, and the Bible: ICR Impact Series, no. 32; i-iv.

Oates, J., 1979, Babylon: London, Thames and Hudson.

Perdue, L. G., 1985, Names of God in the Old Testament, in Achtemeier, P. J., ed., Harper's Bible Dictionary: San Francisco, Harper & Row, p. 685-687.

Pritchard, J. B., 1969, Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament [3rd ed.]: Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press.

Rad, G. von, 1961, Genesis: Philadelphia, Pa., Westminster Press.

Ramm, B., 1954, The Christian View of Science and Scripture: Grand Rapids, Mi., Wm. B. Erdmans Publishing Co., 255 p.

Roux, G., 1966, Ancient Iraq: Baltimore, Penguin.

Schadewald, R. J., 1983, The Evolution of Bible-Science, in Godfrey, L. R., ed., Scientists Confront Creationism: New York, Norton, p. 283-299.

Schafersman, S. D., 1983, Fossils, stratigraphy, and evolution: consideration of a creationist argument, in Godfrey, L. R., ed., Scientists Confront Creationism: New York, W.W. Norton, p. 219-244.

Skehan, J. W., 1986, The Age of the Earth, of Life, and of Mankind: Geology and Biblical Theology versus Creationism, in Hanson, R. W., ed., Science and Creationism: Geological, Theological, and Educational Perspectives: New York, Macmillan, p. 10-32.

Smith, W. R., 1927, The Religion of the Semites: London & New York, Macmillan, revised and enlarged by S.A. Cook.

Speiser, E. A., tr., 1969, Akkadian Myths and Epics, in Pritchard, J. B., ed., Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament [3rd ed.]: Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, p. 60-119.

Strachan, J., 1911, Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics: New York, Scribner's & Sons, v. 4.

Various, 600, The Bible [Various ed.]: Various; Length varies with translation.

Vawter, B., 1977, On Genesis: A New Reading: Garden City, New York, Doubleday.

---, 1983, Creationism: Creative Misuse of the Bible, in Frye, R. M., ed., Is God a Creationist? The Religious Case Against Creation-Science: New York, Scribner's, p. 71-82.

Warner, G., 1987, Inerrancy Gets a Hearing: Florida Baptist Witness, v. 66, no. 166, p. 10-11.

Whitcomb, J. C., 1984, The Bible and Astronomy: Winona Lake, Indiana, BMH Books.

Whitcomb, J. C., and Morris, H. M., 1961, The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and its Scientific Implications: Philadelphia, PA., Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 518 p.

---, 1964, Preface to the Sixth Printing, in Whitcomb, J. C., and Morris, H. M., eds., The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and its Scientific Implications [6th ed.]: Grand Rapids, Michigan, Baker Book House, p. xxv- xxix.

Wolff, W., 1951, Changing Concepts in the Bible; A Psychological Analysis of its Words, Symbols, and Beliefs [1st ed.]: New York, Hermitage House, 463 p.

Wright, G. E., 1962, Biblical Archaeology [Rev. ed.]: Philadelphia, Penn., Westminster Press.

Zimmerman, P. A., 1970, Rock Strata and the Bible Record: St. Louis, Concordia Publishing House.

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