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Behavioural science bibliography

Allee, W. C., 1951, Cooperation Among Animals with Human Implications: New York, Schuman, 233 p.; [Revised Edition of Social Life of Animals, Norton, New York, 1938].

Ardrey, R., 1966, The Territorial Imperative: New York, Atheneum, 390 p.

Christian, J. J., and Davis, D. E., 1964, Endocrines, behavior, and populations: Science, v. 146, p. 1550-1560.

Collis, C. S., 1979, Melanophore potentials of the chromatically intact spinal stoneloach ( Neomacheilus barbatulusL.) following adaptation to varying backgrounds: Journal of Comparative Physiology, v. 131, p. 13-21.

Mackie, G. O., 1974, Behavior of a compound ascidian: Canadian Journal of Zoology, v. 52, p. 23-27.

Richards, G., 1987, Human Evolution:An Introduction for the Behavioural Sciences: London, Routledge & Kegan Paul.

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