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Behavior bibliography

Aronson, L. R., Kaplan, H., Aronson, F. R., and Clark, E., 1967, Instrumental conditioning and light-dark discrimination in young nurse sharks: Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean, v. 17, p. 249-256.

Auffenburg, W., 1981, The Behavorial Ecology of the Komodo Monitor: Gainesville, Florida, University of Florida Presses.

Carpenter, C. R., 1958, Territoriality: A Review of Concepts and Problems, in Roe, A., and Simpson, G. G., eds., Behavior and Evolution: New Haven, Yale University Press, p. 224-250; 537 pp.

Gruber, S. H., and Myrberg, A. A. J., 1977, Approaches to the study of the behavior of sharks: American Zoologist, v. 17, p. 471-486.

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