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Anthropology bibliography

Boddy, J., 1990, Wombs and Alien Spirits (Women, Men, and the Zar cult in Northern Sudan): Madison, Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin Press, 399 p.

Brace, C. L., and Montagu, A., 1977, Human Evolution: New York, Macmillan.

Brooks, A. S., Hare, P. E., Kokis, J. E., Miller, G. H., Ernst, R. D., and Wendorf, J., 1990, Dating Pleistocene archeological sites by protein diagenesis in ostrich eggshell: Science, v. 248, p. 60-64.

Cohen, E. N., and Eames, E., 1982, Cultural Anthropology: Boston, Little, Brown and Co.

Cole, S., 1975, Leakey's Luck: London, Collins.

Johanson, D. C., and Edey, M. A., 1981, Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind: New York, Simon and Schuster.

Leakey, R. E., 1981, The Making of Mankind: New York, Dutton.

Leakey, R. E., and Lewin, R., 1977, Origins: New York, Dutton.

Lewin, R., 1987, Bones of Contention: Controversies in the Search for Human Origins: New York, Simon and Schuster.

Marshall, E., 1983, A controversy on Samoa comes of age: Science, v. 219, p. 1042-1045.

Reader, J., 1981, Missing Links: The Hunt for Earliest Man: Boston, Little, Brown.

Young, J. Z., 1971, An Introduction to the Study of Man: New York, Claredon Press.

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