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Aerodynamics bibliography

Gauthier, J., and Padian, K., 1984, Phylogenetic, Functional and Aerodynamic Analysis of the Origin of Birds, in Hecht, M. K., Ostrom, J. H., Viohl, G., and Wellnhofer, P., eds., The Beginnings of Birds: Eichstatt, Fruende des Jura-Museums, p. 185-198.

Kingsolver, J. G., and Koehl, M. A. R., 1985, Aerodynamics, thermoregulation and the evolution of insect wings: Differential scaling and evolutionary changes: Evolution, v. 39, p. 488-504.

Norberg, U. M., 1985, Evolution of vertebrate flight: An areodynamic model for the transition from gliding to active flight: American Naturalist, v. 126, p. 303-327.

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