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A Keyword-Indexed Origins Bibliography


A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z

The contents of this archive are part of an extensive 15,044 keyword indexed bibliography assembled and maintained by Martin R. Leipzig.

"This is an updated version of the keyword-indexed listing of the references pertaining to the Creation/Evolution debate. This is the third generation of the list, and it is constantly being added to and updated. Just for the record, this register contains (at latest count) some 15,044 keyword-indexed entries, ranging from Abiogenesis to Zoology. The citation style used is GSA (Geological Society of America) format."

"As was the last index, so it goes for this one. Standard disclaimer time: 'It is not copyrighted or protected in any way, but I would respectfully request some form of acknowledgement if the list is distributed. Nothing monetary, mind you, just a byline or "This index courtesy of ...". Also, if it is referenced in any form of publication, a standard citation would be appreciated.'"

Martin's mailing address is as follows:

Martin R. Leipzig
Coastline Exploration, Inc.
Houston, TX 77042

I am simply providing distribution for this important and useful work. Thanks, Marty!

Wesley R. Elsberry
3027 Macaulay Street,
San Diego, CA 92106


Abiogenesis -- Acid rain -- Acquired characteristics -- Acraniates -- Acritarchs -- Adaptations -- Adaptive coloration -- Adaptive radiation -- Aerodynamics -- Africa -- Age determination -- Aggression -- Agnatha -- Agriculture -- AIDS -- Alaska -- Albertosaurs -- Algae -- Allometry -- Allosaurs -- Alps -- Alternate views -- Altruism -- Amino acids -- Ammonites -- Amphibians -- Amphioxus -- Anamniotics -- Anatomy -- Angiosperms -- Anoxia -- Antarctica -- Anthropology -- Archaeoastronomy -- Archaeology -- Archean -- Archeopteryx -- Archosaurs -- Arctic -- Arctic ocean -- Argentinian -- Arid -- Arizona -- Arkeology -- Art & artists -- Arthropods -- Artificial intelligence -- Ascidians -- Asia -- Astrology -- Astronomy -- Astrophysics -- Atheism -- Atlantic ocean -- Atmospherics -- ATP -- Australia -- Australopithecines -- Autobiography -- Aves -- Avimimidae


Background extinction -- Bacteria -- Barnacles -- Barun goyot formation -- Basalt -- Basin analysis -- Bathyl -- Bearpaw shale -- Bears -- Behavior -- Behavioral ecology -- Behavioural science -- Beliefs -- Belly river formation -- Benthos -- Bermuda -- Bible -- Bibliographic material -- Big bang -- Bighorn basin -- Biocharacters -- Biochemistry -- Biochronology -- Biodiversity -- Bioelectrical phenomena -- Bioenergetics -- Biogenesis -- Biogeochemistry -- Biogeography -- Biography -- Bioherms -- Biological determinism -- Biology -- Bioluminescence -- Biomagnetic phenomena -- Biomathematics -- Biomechanics -- Biometrics -- Biomolecules -- Bioorganic chemistry -- Biosphere -- Biospheric evolution -- Biostatistics -- Biostratigraphy -- Bipedal dinosaurs -- Bivalves -- Blood pressure -- Bolides -- Book reviews -- Botanical succession -- Botany -- Bouma sequence -- Brachiopods -- Brain -- Brainsize -- Brazil -- British -- British west indies -- Bryozoans -- Burgess shale


Calcified tissues -- California -- Cambrian -- Camera eye -- Camouflage -- Canada -- Carbon -- Carbon 14 -- Carbonates -- Carboniferous -- Carnivores -- Carnosaurs -- Catastrophism -- Catskill wedge -- Causality -- Caves -- Cellular biology -- Cellular evolution -- Cenozoic -- Central Asia -- Cephalochordata -- Cephalopods -- Ceratopsians -- Cetaceans -- Challenges -- Chance -- Chaos -- Charles Darwin -- Cheetahs -- Chemical evolution -- Chemical zoology -- Chemistry -- Chemoreception -- Chimpanzees -- China -- Chinese -- Chinle formation -- Chondrichthyes -- Chondropterygii -- Chordates -- Christianity -- Chronospecies -- Circulatory system -- Cladistics -- Classics -- Clastic dikes -- Clastics -- Clay mineralogy -- Climatology -- Cloverly formation -- CO2 -- Coal -- Coccoliths -- Coelacanths -- Coelophysids -- Coelurids -- Coelurosaurs -- Coevolution -- Colorado -- Colorado river -- Community structure -- Comparative anatomy -- Comparative endocrinology -- Comparative neurology -- Competition -- Compsognathoids -- Computer methods -- Connecticut -- Conodonts -- Consciousness -- Conservation -- Continental drift -- Continental margins -- Continents -- Controversies -- Cooperation -- Coral reefs -- Corals -- Cosmochronology -- Cosmogenesis -- Cosmology -- Costa rica -- Craniata -- Creation -- Creation/Evolution -- Creationism -- Creationism rebuttal -- Creationists -- Creationist tomes -- Creation science -- Cretaceous -- Cretaceous birds -- Cretaceous-Tertiary -- Critical evaluation -- Crustacea -- Crystals -- Culture -- Cyclostomes -- Cyclothems


Darwin -- Darwinism -- Dating methods -- Debate -- Debris flows -- Deep-sea fans -- Deep sea sedimentation -- Deinocheirids -- Deinodontidae -- Deinonychosauria -- Deltaics -- Deluge -- Demography -- Demonic possession -- Demons -- Dendrochronology -- Dentition -- Depositional environments -- Depositional morphologies -- Desert varnish -- Design argument -- Deterioration -- Deuterostomata -- Development -- Devonian -- Digestive system -- Dimorphism -- Dinosaur ecology -- Dinosaurian ecology -- Dinosaur metabolism -- Dinosauroid -- Dinosaur origins -- Dinosaur osteology -- Dinosaur physiology -- Dinosaurs -- Dinosaur success -- Diptera -- Divergence -- Diversification -- Diversity -- Djadokhta formation -- DNA -- Dockum formation -- Dogma -- Dolomite -- Dolphins -- DSDP -- Duckbill dinosaurs


Eagleford formation -- Early dinosaurs -- Early mammals -- Early works -- Earthquakes -- Earth science -- Eastern europe -- Eastern siberia -- Echini -- Echinoderms -- Echinoids -- Ecological chemistry -- Ecological genetics -- Ecological models -- Ecology -- Economic geology -- Economics -- Ecosystems -- Ectothermy -- Edmonton formation -- Education -- Egypt -- Egyptology -- Elasmobranchs -- Electrofacies -- Elephants -- Embryology -- Empiricism -- Endocasts -- Endocrinology -- Endothermy -- Energetics -- Engineering -- England -- English -- Enteropnuesta -- Entropy -- Environment -- Environmental science -- Enzymes -- Eocene -- Epidemiology -- Episodicity -- Equids -- Erosion -- Ethics -- ETI -- Eurasia -- Europe -- Eustacy -- Evangelism -- Evaporites -- Evil -- Evolution -- Evolutionary biology -- Evolutionary clocks -- Evolutionary law -- Evolutionary processes -- Evolutionary progress -- Evolutionary rates -- Evolutionary theory -- Evolutionary time -- Excretory system -- Exobiology -- Exploration geology -- Extant organisms -- Extinctions -- Extraterrestrials


Facies -- Faulting -- Faunal assemblages -- Feeding mechanisms -- Felids -- Finches -- Fine structure -- Fish -- Flight -- Flood geology -- Fluid dynamics -- Fluvial systems -- Flysch -- Food gathering -- Food supply -- Foraminifera -- Forestry -- Forest sandstone -- Fossil assemblage -- Fossil forests -- Fossil fuels -- Fossil hunters -- Fossil insects -- Fossilization -- Fossil record -- Fossil reptiles -- French -- Fresh water organisms -- Frio formation -- Fruit flies -- Fundamentalism -- Fungus -- Fusulinids


Gap theory -- Gas-condensate -- Gastropods -- Gene frequencies -- Genera -- Genesis -- Genethics -- Genetics -- Genetic stratigraphy -- Geobiology -- Geochemistry -- Geochronology -- Geographic isolation -- Geography -- Geologic hazards -- Geologic time -- Geology -- Geomagnetics -- Geomorphology -- Geophysics -- Geothermal -- German -- Giant gas fields -- Giant oil fields -- Glacial lakes -- Glacial rebound -- Glacier NP -- Glacioeustatics -- Glaciology -- Glaciotectonics -- Global tectonics -- Global warming -- God -- Goldschmidt -- Grains -- Grand canyon -- Graptolites -- Gravity -- Gravity tectonics -- Great lakes -- Great oolite -- Great plains -- Greenland -- Green revolution -- Group selection -- Growth -- Gulf coast -- Gulf of mexico


Hackberry formation -- Halogenesis -- Haversian canals -- Hawaii -- Hearing -- Heavy metals -- Hell creek formation -- Hemichordata -- Herbivory -- Heredity -- Herpetology -- Heterostracans -- High plains -- Himalayas -- Histology -- Historical geology -- Historical science -- Holocene -- Holotherians -- Homeothermy -- Homology -- Homonids -- Homonoids -- Horror -- Hot/cold blood -- Hot springs -- Human behavior -- Human ecology -- Human evolution -- Humanism -- Humanity -- Human nature -- Huxley -- Hydraulics -- Hydrogeochemistry -- Hydrogeology


Ice age -- Ice cores -- Ichnology -- Ichthyostegids -- Icr -- Igneous petrology -- Immunity -- Immunology -- Impact theory -- Incomplete -- India -- Indonesia -- Industrial melanism -- Infauna -- Information theory -- Insects -- Intellectual -- Interspecific -- Interspersion -- Intertidal -- Invasions -- Invertebrates -- Iren dabasu formation -- Iridium anomaly -- Irregularia -- Ischigualasto formation -- Island ecology -- Isostacy -- Italian


Judith river formation -- Jurassic -- Juvenile dinosaurs


Kansas -- Karelids -- Karst -- Kayenta formation -- Kentucky -- Kinematics -- Kirgitei formation -- Knowledge -- Komodo dragon -- Krakatau -- Krakatoa


Laboratory methods -- Lacustrine -- Lahars -- Lamarck -- Lamarckianism -- Lampreys -- Lance formation -- Lasar ranging -- Lateral line system -- Legal aspects -- Legends -- Life tables -- Limnology -- Lineages -- Linguistics -- Literature -- Living fossils -- Lobe-fins -- Locomotion -- Logic -- Louisiana -- Lower vertebrates -- Lunar -- Lysenkoism


Macroevolution -- Macromolecules -- Magnetic reversals -- Magnetostratigraphy -- Mammalian evolution -- Mammalian origins -- Mammals -- Mantracks -- Maps -- Marathon basin -- Marine -- Marine animals -- Marine geology -- Marine invertebrates -- Mars -- Mass burial -- Mass extinction -- Mass movement -- Mathematical biology -- Mathematics -- Matter -- Mclean vs. arkansas -- Mechanics -- Medicine -- Megalosaurids -- Membranes -- Mencken -- Mendelian populations -- Mesozoic -- Metabolism -- Metamorphism -- Metamorphosis -- Metaphysics -- Metazoa -- Meteorites -- Microbial mats -- Microfossils -- Microorganisms -- Micropaleontology -- Micropaleophytology -- Microparticles -- Microplankton -- Microspheres -- Microsystems -- Middens -- Mid-ocean ridges -- Migration -- Milankovich cycles -- Miller/urey experiment -- Mimicry -- Minerology -- Minnesota -- Miocene -- Missing links -- Mississippian -- Mississippi river -- Modernism -- Modern synthesis -- Molecular anthropology -- Molecular biology -- Molecular clock -- Molecular evolution -- Mollusks -- Mongolia -- Monitors -- Monophyly -- Monoplacophorans -- Montana -- Morality -- Morphology -- Morphometry -- Morrison formation -- Mortality -- Multicellular life -- Multituberculata -- Muskrat -- Mutants -- Myology -- Mythology


Nappes -- Natation -- Natural history -- Naturalism -- Natural populations -- Natural religion -- Natural resources -- Natural science -- Natural selection -- Natural theology -- Nature -- Nautiloids -- Nebraska man -- Nemertines -- Nemesis theory -- Neocatastrophism -- Neo-darwinism -- Neoteny -- Nervous system -- Neurobiology -- Neurology -- Neuropathology -- New age -- New england -- New guinea -- New jersey -- New mexico -- New zealand -- Niche -- Niobrara formation -- Nobel laureates -- Nobel prize -- Nomenclature -- North america -- North sea -- Nova scotia -- Nuclear issues -- Nuclear magnetic resonance -- Nucleic acids


Oceanography -- Oceans -- Oil -- Oklahoma -- Oldman formation -- Old testament -- Olduvai -- Oligocene -- Ontogeny -- Onychophora -- Order -- Ordovician -- Ore deposits -- Ore minerals -- Organic geochemistry -- Orientation -- Origins -- Ornithischians -- Ornithomimosaurs -- Ornithopods -- Orogeny -- Osmoregulation -- Osteology -- Ostracoda -- Ostracoderms -- Out of order fossils -- Oviraptors -- Oysters


Pacific northwest -- Pacific ocean -- Pair formation -- Pakistan -- Paleoalgology -- Paleoanthropology -- Paleobiology -- Paleobotany -- Paleocene paleoclimates -- Paleoclimatology -- Paleocontinental maps -- Paleoecology -- Paleoenvironments -- Paleogene -- Paleogeography -- Paleomagnetism -- Paleontological collections -- Paleontology -- Paleopathology -- Paleozoic -- Paleozoology -- Paluxy river -- Pangaea -- Pangenesis -- Paranormal -- Parapsychology -- Paris basin -- Past life -- Pathology -- Pauling -- Pedogenesis -- Pedology -- Pelecypods -- Pennsylvania -- Pennsylvanian -- Peptides -- Peptide synthesis -- Permian -- Permo-triassic -- Petroglyphs -- Petroleum geology -- Petrology -- Phanerozoic -- Philosophy -- Photography -- Photoreceptors -- Photosynthesis -- Phyletic gradualism -- Phylogenetic trees -- Phylogeny -- Physical chemistry -- Physical geography -- Physical science -- Physics -- Physiochemistry -- Physiography -- Physiology -- Phytoclimate -- Phytolites -- Pierre shale -- Piltdown -- Piltdown man -- Pineal gland -- Planetary geology -- Planetary science -- Plantae -- Plate tectonics -- Platypus -- Plechroic halos -- Pleistocene -- Plesiosaurs -- Pliocene -- Plutons -- Podokesauridae -- Poetry -- Pogonomorpha -- Polar -- Polar biota -- Polar dinosaurs -- Polar wandering -- Polish -- Pollination -- Polonium halos -- Polybranchiaspids -- Polymerization -- Polymorphism -- Polypeptides -- Polyphyletic -- Polyphyly -- Poposauridae -- Popper -- Population -- Population biology -- Population dynamics -- Possession -- Powder river basin -- Pragmatism -- Prebiotics -- Precambrian -- Precambrian fossils -- Predation -- Predator/prey ratios -- Predator/prey relationships -- Predators -- Prediction -- Prehistory -- Primates -- Primitive life -- Primitive man -- Proavians -- Probability -- Problematica -- Process -- Prosauropods -- Prosimians -- Protarthropods -- Protective coloration -- Proteinoid -- Proteinoids -- Proteins -- Protein sequence -- Protein systhesis -- Proterozoic -- Protobiogenesis -- Protobiology -- Protocells -- Protochordata -- Protolife -- Protozoology -- Pseudoscience -- Pseudosuchians -- Psychology -- Pterodactyls -- Pterosaurs -- Public opinion -- Public schools -- Puerto rico -- Punctuated equilibrium -- Punctuated gradualism -- Pyramids


Quadrupeds -- Quaternary -- Questionable


Race -- Radioactivity -- Radiometric dating -- Rauisuchian -- Rays -- Rebuttal -- Reconstructions -- Red sea -- Red-shift -- Reef massifs -- Reference work -- Regional geology -- Reklaw -- Relative dating methods -- Relativity -- Religion -- Remote sensing -- Reproduction -- Reptile/bird transitions -- Reptile/mammal transitions -- Reptiles -- Reptilian biology -- Residence times -- Resource management -- Respiratory systems -- Review -- Rhinoceroses -- Rhodesia -- Ridges -- Rift systems -- Riphean -- Rna -- Rocky mountains -- Rodents -- Romania -- Russian


Salp chains -- Salt structures -- Satan -- Satellite imagery -- Saurischians -- Sauropods -- Scavengers -- Science -- Scientific creationism -- Scientific humanism -- Scientific literacy -- Scientific method -- Scientists -- Scopes -- Scopes ii -- Sea level -- Seasonality -- Secular humanism -- Sedimentology -- Segnosaurs -- Seismic methods -- Sensory systems -- Serengeti -- Sex -- Sexism -- Sexual dimorphism -- Sexual selection -- Sharks -- Shelf sedimentation -- Shroud of turin -- Siberia -- Siberian platform -- Silicates -- Silicification -- Silurian -- Snails -- Social animals -- Social behavior -- Social darwinism -- Social evolution -- Social science -- Social theory -- Society -- Sociobiology -- Sociology -- Soft-body fossils -- Soil biology -- Solid earth geophysics -- Solnhofen limestone -- South america -- South american archosaurs -- South american mammals -- Southwestern us -- Space exploration -- Spacing patterns -- Spain -- Specializations -- Speciation -- Species -- Species diversity -- Speleology -- Speleothems -- Spinosaurs -- Spirituality -- Sponges -- Spontaneous generation -- Stability -- Statistics -- Staurikosaurs -- Steady state theory -- Stellar evolution -- Stochasticy -- Stratigraphy -- Stromatolites -- Structural geology -- Subduction zones -- Submarine canyons -- Submarine fans -- Supernatural -- Supernova -- Sweden -- Swimming -- Symbiosis -- Sympatric speciation -- Synsedimentary structures -- Synthetic theory -- Systematics -- Systems analysis -- Systems science -- Systems theory


Taeniodonts -- Taphonomy -- Tautology -- Taxonomy -- Technology -- Tectonics -- Teeth -- Teleosteans -- Tendaguru -- Territoriality -- Tertiary -- Tetrapods -- Texas -- Textbook -- Thecodonts -- The flood -- Theism -- Theology -- Theoretical biology -- Therapsids -- Theria -- Thermal physics -- Thermodynamics -- Thermogenesis -- Thermolysis -- Thermoregulation -- Theropods -- Thrust faults -- Tides -- Time -- Tomography -- Toothed birds -- Topology -- Transitional fossils -- Transitions -- Transspecific evolution -- Trees -- Trenches -- Triassic -- Trichoms -- Triclads -- Trilobites -- Trilobitoids -- Troodontids -- Tropics -- Tuatara -- Tunicates -- Turbidites -- Turnover rates -- Turonian -- Turtles -- Tuscaloosa formation -- Tyrannosaurs


Ufo's -- Unconformities -- Ungulates -- Uniformitatianism -- United states -- Universe -- Ussr -- Utah


Vapor canopy -- Variability -- Variation -- Varved sediments -- Velikovsky -- Velocity of light -- Vendian -- Venericards -- Vertebrate evolution -- Vertebrate paleontology -- Vertebrates -- Vertical distribution -- Vestigial organs -- Victorian -- Virology -- Virus -- Vision -- Volcanism -- Voyage of the beagle


Wallace -- Well testing -- Western siberia -- Western us -- Who's who -- Wilcox formation -- Wings -- Winton formation -- Wisconsin -- Wolf -- Woodbine formation -- World view -- Worms -- Wyoming


Yellowstone -- Yenisei ridge


Zoogeography -- Zoology

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