Fossil Horses FAQs
are a common and instructive example of
evolution recorded in the fossil record.
Unfortunately many textbooks and popular accounts
oversimplify the picture. Creationists have also
made many false claims about horse evolution.
Here are some articles of this Archive that address
horse evolution.
Horse Evolution
This companion file to the
Transitional Fossils FAQ
summarizes what is known about horse evolution.
Is "Dawn Horse" a Hyrax?
Many creationists claim that Hyracotherium,
the fossil animal traditionally called the first horse,
is a type of hyrax, an animal living today in Africa and
Asia. If true it would invalidate the mainstream view
of horse evolution. It is, however, false.
Did Hyracotherium and Equus Live at the Same Time?
Some creationists claim that Hyracotherium and
Equus, the taxon that includes modern horses and zebras,
are found in the same geologic strata. This article follows
the paper trail of this claim and finds that it is baseless.
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