Science and Creation
Post of the Month: August 1997
Copyright © 1997 by
Robert Weidner
find constant amusement in the battling between extremists, especially
ones involving religion and science. Why is it that even apparently
intelligent persons must find the concepts of creationism and
scientific explanations mutually exclusive. There can be no doubt
that the present universe is governed by certain scientific
principles. For God to have created it, it would only have been
necessary to develop these principles, and set them in motion. The
scientific evidence fairly clearly establishes evolution as one of
those principles. It was not necessary for God to use magic and have
the Biblical creations appear instantaneously. What is time to an
eternal God. By establishing the recipe for life to form, develop and
evolve, the end result was as certain as if he had molded living
creatures from clay and breathed life into them. However, the early
judeo-christian authors could not have know what principles of nature,
i.e., science, were at work in the creation of "man" and his
environment any more than the ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, or
druids for that matter. They knew the way that things were and had to
create the explanations for them being that way in terms that they
could understand. This we call mythology, and it is present in every
civilization. The judeo-christian cultures were not somehow more
enlightened to be above resorting to such story telling. The story of
Creation as it appears in Genesis cannot be taken for more than the
mythology that it is. This is not to say the God did not create the
universe, but merely that it was not done in the way and over the
short time period which its author suggests. God created science, the
forces of nature if you will, and through them set in motion the
events that would lead to the eventual creation of the heavens and the
Earth and all that in them is. This did not happen in 6-plus days,
but over the billions of years which the body of scientific evidence
establishes. Science merely attempts to discover and apply those
universal principles which account for why and how things are. It
does not in any way belie the existence of God, but instead sheds
light on the manner in which God operates. Science does exist, as
does God. It is not necessary to disavow God to believe in it, nor is
it necessary to discredit science to have faith in God. They are both
inextricably connected.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.
Article originally posted August 29, 1997