The University of Ediacara and its preponderence of people named
Chris. Carl Baugh and his mysterious fossil finger. Radioactive
decay. NBC and the Mysterious Origins of Man.
The synthesis of life. What happens to you when you die. Entropy and
the second law of thermodynamics. Bias in the Talk.Origins Archive.
The archive's policy on author credentials. What the archive's
usage statistics mean.
Links to creationist sites. Is evolution a fact or is it a theory?
Jury-rigged designs that may not be so jury-rigged. Creationism
in Ukraine. Bombardier beetles and the impossibility of evolution.
Polonium haloes. Haldane's Dilemma. Creationist Duane Gish's
credentials. Why creationists prefer to attack evolution rather
than defend creationism. Global and local floods. Dust on the
moon and its implications for the age of the earth. The second
law of thermodynamics (again). How scientists determine
the age of the universe and the Earth. Bias in science.
The compatibility of faith and science. Buying a "Darwin Fish" for your
The falsifiability of evolution. The age of the earth. Where are all
the posts of the month? The Big Bang. Changes in the fundamental
constants of nature. The fact and theory of evolution. The veracity
of creationist Walter Brown. Bombardier beetles, yet again. The
close-minded Talk.Origins Archive. The origin of upright walking in
Evolution as progress. The role of mutation in evolution. More
thermodynamics. The probability of evolution. UFOs as
demon invaders. The literalness of the Great Flood. The compatibility
of evolution and faith. Who runs
Abiogenesis (life from non-life). The changing history of life.
Papal epiphany? Creationists doing good science. This archive's
attacks on God. Are humans still evolving? Evolutionary vendettas
against creationists. The provability of evolution. The origin
of the universe. Engineers and creationism. Theropods with feathers.
The archive's attacks on God. A higher level of debate? Antarctica
and Atlantis. The antisocial implications of evolution. Why not
leave creationism alone? Changes in the speed of light. Recent
Homo erectus news. Irreducible mousetraps. Questions about fossil hominids.