Claim CJ530:
The Qur'an's accuracy on various scientific and historical points shows
its divine origin and indicates overall accuracy.
- The accuracy of the Qur'an is not remarkable. All of its accurate
points can be explained by simple observation of nature or by selective
interpretation of scriptures.
- Accuracy on individual points does not indicate overall accuracy. Just
about every thesis that is wrong overall still has some accurate points
in it.
- Claims about accuracy assume that the purpose of the Qur'an is to
document scientific data. The purpose of the Qur'an is to teach
religion, not science.
- If the Qur'an's value is made to depend on scientific accuracy, it
becomes valueless when people find errors in it, as some people
invariably will.
- If occasional scientific accuracy shows overall accuracy of the Qur'an,
the same conclusion must be granted to the Bible, Zend Avesta,
and several other works from other religions, all of which can make the
same claims to scientific accuracy.
Answering Islam, n.d. Qur'an and science.
Bannister, Andy, n.d. Can "Modern Science" be found in the Qur'an?
created 2003-12-1