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Index to Creationist Claims,  edited by Mark Isaak,    Copyright © 2004
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Claim CI009:

"The Darwinian mechanism claims the power to transform a single organism . . . into the full diversity of life that we see both around us and in the fossil record. If intelligent design is correct, then the Darwinian mechanism of natural selection and random variation lacks that power" (Dembski 2001).


Dembski, William A., 2001. Teaching intelligent design -- What happened when? A response to Eugenie Scott.


  1. The claim is a non sequitur. Intelligent design says nothing at all about the Darwinian mechanism of evolution. Whether or not evolution lacks power must be decided by looking at evolution. If intelligent design is correct, it provides an alternative explanation, but it does not automatically falsify other alternatives.

  2. The Darwinian mechanism of natural selection is part of the normal design process. If designers were not able to abandon old designs in favor of better modified versions of the same design, then intelligent design would have very little power itself.


  1. Dembski, William A., 2001. (see above)

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created 2001-3-31