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Index to Creationist Claims,  edited by Mark Isaak,    Copyright © 2006
Previous Claim: CH102   |   List of Claims   |   Next Claim: CH102.2

Claim CH102.1:

Genesis must be literal; it is straightforward narrative.


Morris, Henry M. 1998. The literal week of creation. Back to Genesis 113a (May).


  1. Straightforward narrative does not imply literalness. History, sacred myth, fable, fantasy, parable, analogy, writing exercises, and other genres are all typically straightforward narrative, and each of them requires a different approach to interpretation. Simply noting that a writing is narrative does not indicate how to interpret it.

  2. It is far from clear that Genesis is straightforward narrative. Genesis 1 has a formulaic and poetic structure.

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created 2003-6-5, modified 2006-7-24