The speed of light was faster in the past, so objects millions of
light-years away are much younger than millions of years.
Norman, Trevor G. and Barry Setterfield, 1987. The Atomic Constants,
Light, and Time. Flinders University of South Australia, School of
Mathematical Sciences, Technical Report.
The possibility that the speed of light has not been constant has
received much attention from physicists, but they have found no
evidence for any change. Many different measurements of the speed of
light have been made in the last 180 or so years. The older
measurements were not as accurate as the latest ones. Setterfield
chose 120 data points from 193 measurements available (see Dolphin
n.d. for the data), and the line of best fit for these points shows
the speed of light decreasing. If you use the entire data set, though,
the line of best fit shows the speed increasing. However, a constant
speed of light is well within the experimental error of the data.
If Setterfield's formulation of the changes in physical parameters were
true, then there should have been 417 days per year around 1 C.E., and
the earth would have melted during the creation week as a result of the
extremely rapid radioactive decay (Morton et al. 1983).
As an aside, some creationists assert that fundamental laws have not
changed (Morris 1974, 18).