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Index to Creationist Claims,  edited by Mark Isaak,    Copyright © 2004
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Claim CD303:

Evaporite deposits could not be from evaporated inland seas because they are too pure; they contain no organic matter.


Morris, Henry M., 1974. Scientific Creationism, Green Forest, AR: Master Books, p. 106.


  1. Evaporite deposits do contain impurities. The Sedom Formation evaporites in the Dead Sea Basin, which are more than 2 km thick, are about 80 percent pure halite, with 20 percent gypsum, marl, chalk, dolomite, and shale and with significant amounts of pollen (Niemi et al. 1997, 46; see also Jux 1961; Klaus 1970). The Paradox Basin evaporites have many thin interbedded shale layers containing brachiopods, conodonts, and plant remains (Duff et al. 1967, 204).

    We should expect few impurities in evaporites because hypersaline basins are harsh environments in which few organisms can live.


  1. Duff, P. M. D., A. Hallam and E. K. Walton, 1967. Cyclic Sedimentation. New York: Elsevier.
  2. Jux, Ulrich, 1961 (Oct.). The palynologic age of diapiric and bedded salt. Department of Conservation, Louisiana Geological Survey, Geological Bulletin 38, October.
  3. Klaus, Wilhelm, 1970. Utilization of spores in evaporite studies. In: Jon L. Rau and Louis F. Dellwig, eds., Third Symposium on Salt, Cleveland: Northern Ohio Geological Society.
  4. Niemi, T. M., Z. Ben-Avraham and J. R. Gat, eds., 1997. The Dead Sea: The Lake and its Setting. Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics No. 36, p. 46

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created 2003-5-31