Claim CC101:
Human and dinosaur footprints have been found together in Cretaceous rocks of the Paluxy Riverbed near Glen Rose, Texas.
Morris, Henry M., 1974. Scientific Creationism, Green Forest, AR: Master
Books, p. 122.
- The alleged human footprints involve a number of misidentified and spurious phenomena.
- Most supposed "man tracks" in the riverbed are forms of elongate, metatarsal dinosaur tracks--
made by dinosaurs that at times impressed their metatarsi (soles and heels) as they walked.
When the digit impressions of such tracks are subdued by mud-collapse, erosion, infilling, or a combination of
factors, the remaining metatarsal portions often superficially resemble human footprints. However, when well
cleaned such tracks show definite indications of tridactyl, dinosaurian digit patterns (Kuban, 1986a, 1986b; Hastings, 1987).
- Some of the reputed human prints are erosional features or other natural irregularities. They do not show clear human features without selective
highlighting, nor occur in natural striding sequences (Cole et al, 1985).
- A smaller number of alleged "giant man tracks" are carvings on loose blocks of rock (Godfrey, 1985; Kuban and Wilkerson, 1989).
- Creationists often failed to exercise scientific rigor and due caution in their early Paluxy field work and
promotions. Subseqwuently many also mischaracterized or minimized the mainstream work and alalyses which prompted creationist reevaluations
of the evidence (Schadewald, 1986; Kuban, 1986c).
However, most no longer use the Paluxy tracks among their arguments, and major creationist organizations such as ICR and AIG have
advised that the Paluxy tracks not be cited as evidence against evolution. Continuing "man track" claims by a few individuals such as
Carl Baugh and Don Patton have not stood up to close scrutiny (Kuban, 1989).
Kuban, Glen J. 1996. The Texas dinosaur/"man track" controversy.
Matson, Dave E. 1994. How good are those young-earth arguments?
Cole, John R. and Laurie R. Godfrey (eds.). 1985. The Paluxy River
footprint mystery -- solved. Creation/Evolution 5(1). (special issue
devoted to the topic)
- Godfrey, L. R., 1985. Foot notes of an anatomist. Creation/Evolution
5(1): 16-36.
- Hastings, Ronnie J., 1987. New observations on Paluxy Tracks confirm
their dinosaurian origin. Journal of Geological Education 35(1):
- Kuban, Glen, 1986a. Elongate Dinosaur Tracks, In: Gillette, David D. and Martin G. Lockley, eds.,
Dinosaur Tracks and Traces, 1989, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 57-72.
- Kuban, Glen, 1986b. Color distinctions and other curious features of
dinosaur tracks near Glen Rose, Texas. In: Gillette and Lockley, 1989, pp. 427-440.
- Kuban, Glen. 1986c. Review of ICR Impact Article 151. Origins Research. Spring Summer 1986, 9:1.
- Kuban, Glen J., 1989, Retracking Those Incredible Man Tracks, NCSE Reports, Vol. 9, No. 4, Special Section.
- Kuban, Glen J. and Gregg Wilkerson, 1989. The Burdick Print, Web article at
- Schadewald, Robert J. 1986. Scientific creationism and error. Creation/Evolution 6(1): 1-9,
Further Reading:
Gillette, David D. and Martin G. Lockley (eds.). 1989. Dinosaur Tracks
and Traces, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. (technical)
Hastings, Ronnie J. 1986. Tracking those incredible creationists -- the
trail continues.
Creation/Evolution 6(1): 20-28.
Hastings, Ronnie J. 1988. Rise and fall of the Paluxy mantracks.
Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 40(3): 144-155.
Kuban, Glen J. 1986. A summary of the Taylor site evidence.
Creation/Evolution 6(1): 11-19.
Created 2003-4-27
Mmodified 2005-2-3
Modified 2010-Dec-9. GJK, Clarified role of metatarsal impressions and loose carvings