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Index to Creationist Claims,  edited by Mark Isaak,    Copyright © 2004
Previous Claim: CC040   |   List of Claims   |   Next Claim: CC050

Claim CC041:

Homo habilis is an invalid taxon. It is a taxonomic waste bin in which several different types have been placed.


Lubenow, Marvin, 1992. Bones of Contention: A creationist assessment of the human fossils. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, pp. 157-166.


  1. At least two different species have been assigned to Homo habilis, but that does not make the taxon invalid. OH7, its type specimen (which defines the taxon), clearly differs from other named species. As more fossils are found, we will get a better idea of the ranges of variation and thus of what constitutes different species.


Foley, Jim, 2003. Homo habilis: is it an invalid taxon?
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created 2003-9-24